Option to disable bloom and lens flare

Lens flare absolutely should not be there in first-person cockpit view; that is 100% incorrrect and wrong and makes the experience worse and less realistic.


Lens flare is really a thing of the past. Modern camera lenses have different filters that reduce flares to almost nothing. It looks like a cheap film camera from the 1970s.

If the blue taxi lights at night are too bright for you I find it helps to wear 3 sets of blue blocker sunglasses underneath my VR goggles…

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Agreed, daft to have it for cockpit camera.


The lens flares are also quite ugly. I’d rather not have them anywhere.


Voted too. I cannot see lens flare with my eyes, and don’t want it in my pics!


Ugh the Bloom intensity also changes a lot during a flight. I spend a lot of time changing the displays brightness because the bloom/lightning intensity is changing all the time. Especially during dawn/dusk. :expressionless:

Wow those cockpit pics remind me of the time I kept my contact lenses in for three days solid.

I just do not get the obsession with light bloom on this sim.