Option to display multiplayer nameplates showing callsign or aircraft registration

It would be interesting to have an option to display the PLANE ID of multiplayer ident instead of their Nicknames

I would avoid, if desired by you, names like “MASTERKILLET123”, “VOMITGUY”… (examples)

Thank you

PS : I know we might see a lot of AS-XGS1, but I’d rather that than the above

Hello, by PLANE ID, do you mean their aircraft registration number? Or their callsign?

I’d prefer call sign if filled in (DAL1234), then registration number (N123ZM). But I -think- they use Nickname because that is more like a “multiplayer game” so you can find and communicate with them outside the game (like Xbox or discord, etc.)…

Indeed, but some are awful, sorry. We could , at least have the choice of what to see.