Option to remove arrow to waypoints/destinations

There’s an arrow that points to your next destination/waypoint and I find it annoying - I find it just gets in the way of your view.

In this example - I can even see my destination but that arrow still shows - can we make a setting to remove this arrow? Or can we make it an option to toggle these nav aids, you can map a button to toggle the taxi ribbon and landing path but not this.

You can turn that off. It’s been so long I don’t even remember what menu it’s in :slight_smile:

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You can turn those off in Options > Assistance Options > Points of Interest

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What is going on in your screenshot that the two aircraft in the foreground have weird ground textures mimicking the shape of each aircraft in a lighter color?

I do have that setting off - that arrow is pointing to a navigation point and not a POI.

Is your “Route and Waypoints” also off under “Navigation Aids”?

I have the navpoints on, and want them on. It’s the arrow pointing to it that I want removed - I mean, in that screenshot I can see the navpoint, I don’t need the arrow also pointing to it

I’m not fully understanding. :sweat_smile:
ON will give you those pointing aids. OFF removes the pointing aids.


Maybe turn off


I have never turned any of that stuff on, so do not know the details, but turning off the above seems logical.

You can still have POIs turned on ? You just want the BIG Arrow off ?

Ah, now on the same page! :slight_smile:

No, there isn’t a way to get rid of the arrow within MSFS options. There “may” be a way though some type of UI mod - not 100% sure.