Option to show what is currently loading

I am tired of the randomness of loading and having no way of knowing if is something added or official. Have an option to show what is happening on loading bar like when you do updates. I want to know if something is randomly crashing or if it is a specific file in ANY folder. If it is timing out on azure and making me wait indefinitely for some scenery to load. Maybe put in some safeguards to reload stuck modules after a certain bit of time and show us so we know whether to wait just 30 minutes more or to alt f4.

Yes. this kind of transparency would be unbelievably helpful. We came to the same conclusion when we investigated extreme loading times during SU13 beta.

A simple console during startup and start flight, so that you see if long loading times are caused by a certain addon.


If showing this information directly was considered by the GUI designers not to fit in with the “look & feel” of the upload / install / loading screens, then perhaps a small button could be added that could be clicked to open a console window that displayed in detail what was going on behind the scenes for those who wished to see such details. If there was an ability to copy or save the contents of the console window to a text file, that would also help, as the data and/or file could be added to a bug report.


In the absence of this you can run a tool like ProcessMonitor to see what the “FlightSimulator.exe” application is doing, for both networking, and file access.

It’s extremely verbose, and configurable, but for a simple test I set it to monitor only that EXE, and the “ReadFile” operation. From the sim starting, and then closing down, it generated 553,428 log entries!

To be fair this would be more useful to someone that has an issue where the sim has failed to load, and might be interesting to see at what point it stops generating logs.

If you include other events such as network access, registry, then these logs will really balloon in size.


@ hobanagerik:
Yes, ProcessMonitor provides a ton of information - though as you point out, it’s easy to get swamped with so much data that one can’t find the “nugget of gold” in amongst the general “dirt”.

Resource Monitor that comes with Win 11 also shows you what is going on - good for a broad overview, but AFAIK, no way to save the displayed data to file, and the app provides nothing to help you understand what all the data actually means.

w.r.t. the request made by @ JakeSeattleX19 at the start of this thread, just logging the current file(s) being downloaded (start / % progress / complete), decompression status and file download success / failure would be a start.

I’m not sure if the install & update processes currently use checksums to determine if a file has been successfully installed - does anyone know?

You can delete or modify a file, and the launch process won’t repair it. If you delete the folder entirely it will download it.

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In Dev mode, you can already open the Console at any time, it will show you what is loading

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Thanks for the info, I did not know that!