Orbx’ Grumman TBF Avenger

It’s far from unusable. I just took a perfect 3+ hr flight today and the one last night was nearly 2 hrs and was flawless. This happens regularly. Of course I choose relatively bug free aircraft. For me 2024 is great for the most part, but many of the aircraft are a complete mess. It sounds like you’re saying “the aircraft I prefer isn’t usable, so MSFS 2024 is completely unusable.”

As to the topic at hand, I really hope they fix the altimeter. I’d be quite tempted but I couldn’t tolerate it reading the wrong airspeed. I’m sure that’s small to some people, but for me… I wouldn’t like it.

I assume it’s not encrypted being from Orbx? Maybe someone from the community will be able to fix it if Orbx abandons is. Would this be a surmountable problem?

If the Altimeter is reading the airspeed …that really is a bug! :wink:

Thought I saw a YT review a few days ago saying this was poor due to lot of things not modelled or not working properly.Visuals good though.Interesting to see whether it will be debugged and improved.

Windsocks reversed, ground textures coming through at airports, ATC issuing clearance late or not at all or assigning runways with tailwinds, Runway lights being off at destination airport after a long flight, these are all 2020 bugs that have appeared in 2024 there are more that i cant remember off hand. I guess you don’t read the forums. Whether steam has more or less players is irrelevant if you compare 2020 stats to 2024 stats you can see 2024 is has a lot less players this has all been said many times in other threads.

None of that has happened to me in 2024 that I’ve noticed. It’s possible I have not of course. There are ATC bugs with 2024 but they’re new and nothing like 2020’s.

Although it’s great that’s available, it’s sad that it needs to happen for a payware aircraft. The Avenger definitely deserved better than this.


I’m still working round those mirrored textures:

89 (00004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Are mirrored textures that unrealistic? When I was recently at the https://www.ericksoncollection.com/ museum, many of their aircraft, almost all of which are flyable, were pretty glossy.

I think he’s not referring to the glossiness, but the fact that any ‘decal’ you put on the wing or fuselage, gets mirrored to the other wing or other side of the fuselage. The texture map is mirrored.

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Gotcha, ok

No no, the left and right side of the fuselage and wings use the same texures, so letters ate mirrored on the other side. I’m working around it with the decals, but there are limits to what I can do with that…


still, something like this is just possible:

konmar71 (00001) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

konmar71 (00005) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

but: the roundels on the fuselage should be larger and lower, and on the wings further out to the tips, the 071 on the wing should be bigger and further out, the Kon.Marine marking should be larger and further to the rear, etc…

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RN 360 (00010) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

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Is there a trick to getting the pilot(s) to show up in the aircraft?

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Use MSFS 2020 or the get the SU1 Beta for 2024.

I applied the open beta, still no pilots :frowning:

The MSFS 2024 Avenger has no pilot, regardless of the simulator update.
There is no pilot in the model.
If you are wanting to see both crew in MSFS 2024, not only do you need the latest MSFS 2024 beta, version, you also need to have added the MSFS (2020) version of the Avenger.
To “update” MSFS 2024 to the beta version, you will need to join the beta first.
Here is the link to the instructions

Is there any indication that Orbx has acknowledged bugs and is working on an update?

Well, I joined the open beta, and downloaded the 2020 version of the Avenger into 2024, still no crew.
I guess I’ll just have to wait this one out.