Out Skerries (EG78)is the Crown Jewel of the UK Update

Tons of detail and just beautiful!


Agree with you 100%!
Great screen captures, BTW.

A minor quibble - I just wish the autogen didn’t place telephone/light/power poles and lines directly in the approach/departure paths of the air strip.

Having never actually been to that place, I checked Bing images and they definitely do not show those obstacles.


Will have to check this place out. Love the detail in the rock landscape

Agreed. Somebody poured their heart into that place.


It is quite special, extremely well done and a very interesting choice of location to choose to model in such detail.



Awesome shots and I totally agree - Skerries is absolutely stunning and probably my favorite part of the update.

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Amazing bit of crafting!!! And great screenshots!

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Fantastic modelling. First time I took off from there I was so busy looking out the window airspeed dropped and I stalled :joy:


Great pictures… thx for posting this, gonna take a look !

Flew over to Fetlar Airport first… Checked the windmills… wheather is beautiful

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Yeah its amazing. This is the sort of scenery enhancements I’d like to see more of. I wish they would do more general scenery enhancements like this. Man made stuff is interesting but if you’ve seen one castle or cathedral you’ve seen quite a few of them.

This might actually be the best scenery enhancement I’ve seen yet. I do wonder if when they were making them for the UK they started furthest North and worked South. They were bored and tired by the time they got to the white cliffs of dover.

I’d be well up for them doing a world update that was just mountains. Pick a whole load of the worlds most famous peaks and do really nice models of them to fly to and check out.


Thanks for the tip: this is just GORGEOUS!!!

The skeeries are very cool. I try to always use real weather, and each time I’ve taken off the sock is straight out 90 from the rw. And storms? It’s something to see the north Atlantic in Feb. First takeoff, it nearly flipped me. Since then I’ve succeeded by lowering my upwind ailerons. The most amazing sight on that flight was looking down to see the ocean heaving in the storm. Until now I was unaware of that feature. Its added to the sense of reality.

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Well, good for us :smiley: when bing data and handcraft are mixed, it does not look good. This island scenery looks like it is 100% handcraft. One of the really beautiful places in MSFS2020… when they put some things in the wrong place, it is just to tease pilots of course.

Maybe you can take off at Fetlar Airport and fly over ? see above, there is room and, no obstacles. Dont turn right (wind mills)

This EG78 is small. Nice landing challenge, I did not succeed landing C152 yet, without a crash or running off on the other side. Takeoff is nasty too, you are right. With C152 I used a few takeoffs to fly over these masts and cables without the long stall… it can be done, just keep your handbreak on for a while after the throttle has started and release it when throttle is up, correct with rudder and off you go. This gives more foreward speed and earlier takeoff.

Agreed when I first saw it my jaw hit the floor! Unreal how nice it looks I can’t pick a fault with it

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I think you are right about it being 100% handcrafted.
I just tested by turning off the Bing data download, cleared the rolling cache, and the poles are still there.

No harm, though. I took off easily with the Savage Cub with 1 notch of flaps directly at the poles. The first set right at the end of the runway appear to me like the lines (if there were any), would run parallel to the runway thus not a problem. The second set of poles more distant from the runway end, however, seem like they could provide a problem if they were connected with wire lines.

Fortunately, they seem to be just nice eye candy and are not actual flight path obstacles!
dp_146029.png (800×600) (abct.org.uk)

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Yeah nice… Savage goes up within 50 meters or so… Kitfox STI can do 30 … I love small tail draggers :slight_smile: nice and slow to look at the scenery…

How to start Cold and Dark at this airport? I don’t see any parking spots

I today discovered this place too on my British Isles Tour. You already can see from far that there comes something really special.
Who modelled it? Asobo or 3rd Party?

Dialin a 45 knot crosswind for all sorts of fun …