Outdated Information For KPVD

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Airport information was outdated when released
Changes were made via ADE and using existing information of the airport

Brief description of the issue:

KPVD ending up extending runway 5/23 in 2016, resulting in a runway of ~8700’. The existing model show the older 7166’ alignment, with the traversing east west rd to the south on a straight alignment, while the modern alignment tends to bow to the south

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

using ADE, a composite of the existing arial information with a more realistic model (file available upon request for incorporation into next build)

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Load any flight profile for KPVD

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:


Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:


Yes please! Its my home airport and I’d love to see this fixed!

I would also love to see a 3rd party tackle this airport. The default isn’t bad but at night the stock terminal lighting looks nothing like the real thing!

I am trying to work on a slightly better model.

Initially, I’m trying to model the perimeter roads. I hoping to eventually model some of the outlining building including Horizon Aviation (Irl I’m a student there :sweat_smile:)

Please share on flightsim.to if you can. From the looks of it you’re doing some good work.

I know a few pilots who got their PPL from Horizon. Good luck with your classes!

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I ended trying to contact RIAC reguarding architectural / engineering drawings of the building facades.

Sadly (due to 14 CFR 191 and RIGL 38-2-2(4)F) , they couldn’t release information (can partially understand their presepctive)

Athough I didn’t get the answer I was looking for, within the response letter, there were links to the Master Plan that include a great plan view of possible future expansions at the Airport including additional gates, reconfiguring of the taxiways, and renumbering of the Runways to align with the Westerly dift of Mag North (i.e. 5/23 → 4/22 and 16/34 going to 15/33)

pvd-approved-airport-layout-plan.pdf (flyri.com)

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Personal Comments You might want to contact FL2 who made KPVD available on SimMarket. I’ve been trying to get them to restore the Old Terminal Ramp Spots. Otherwise the exterior is a fair representation of the current terminal and outlying buildings (including the fire department). Who knows, they may incorporate your changes.

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