Overclocking status question

I O/C’d my CPU about 6 months ago but stopped due to CTD’s. I’m wondering if it is OK to O/C the CPU now after a few more updates?

No, there has been no change.
MSFS still does not like overclocks.
Very few have been able to run MSFS with an O/C.

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I run my 8086K OC to 5.2 ghz and have no drama’s at all. It’s water cooled and i use MSI Afterburner for a OC on my 1080Ti GPU as well. I have Hyperthreading turned off also. If your OC is causing ctd’s in MSFS i doubt it is the sim! you’ll need to figure out correct voltages for the cpu and ram and get it stable with stress testing.


FS2020 makes ample use of AVX instructions. This can cause problems with high OC. Decouple the AVX from the higher clock to keep the system stable if necessary.
He doesn’t like too high Ram OC either. Better to slow down a bit, but sharpen the timing.

And yes, hold your system cool.
Good luck.

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I have OC’d both my 11900K@5,2Ghz, my Ram@3600Mhz and my RTX3080@2010Mhz.
I also have 109 files/mods in Community folder.
After latest update with latest Nvidia drivers and Win10 i had no Ctd’s or problems at all flying with Reverb G2.
Using always OXR100 Repro on and TAA 75.
All settings at High.
Crystal clear and butter smooth for now. :slight_smile:

Cpu i7 9900k oc at 5.0
Ram oc at 3600
Rtx 3090 oc at 2050
And 1.5 tb in my community folder…yes it’s takes 15 minute to load my m.2 but after that,very smooth and no ctd at all.
I had a ctd problems in the past,Thought was my overclock,but it was motherboard bios update.

Where do people come up with these across the board statements?

If you’re pushing too hard an oc, expect issues. If your oc is not stable expect issues. If your hot, expect issues…Every piece of silicon is different, every transistor, every mobo trace, every piece of wire, can be and will be different.

Msfs doesn’t care about your oc. Period, Full stop.

You’re hardware does.


Couldn’t said it better!

I guess you’re right with that. But in a way maybe you’re not …

The TA author asked if there are any changes. Considering the TA most likely didn’t change his hardware, it is correct to say there weren’t any changes with MSFS concerning CTDs and OC

And it’s also a fact that while playing MSFS the compter runs mostly on full steam - more so than with most other games. MSFS reacts more sensitively to slight instabilities in the system, than many other games. After all it’s MSFS that crashes not the OS. Also you’re not suddenly seeing artifacts or a screen freeze or the computer simply shutting down.
And while MSFS crashes, CoD or Adobe Photoshop might not with the same OC.

So you can both blame the OC for being too unstable and the software for being too sensitive.

Doesn’t really matter though. Simple truth is: with MSFS you are more likely to get a CTD due to overclocking than with most other software. And this simple fact hasn’t changed. And that’s what the TA was asking.

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Thanks for all the great info folks. Here is what I did. As I am not very fluent on clock speeds, I went into the BIOS and turned ON GAME BOOST and XMP Mode.
This bumped up my clock speed from 3.6 to 4.8. I’m not sure how much it kicked up my RAM. I have dinked around with MSI AFTERBURNER but haven’t used it in months. I am not sure how much I should push the 2080Ti. If anyone is familiar with the RTX 2080Ti card and Afterburner, I could use some insight on O/Cing the video card. Here’s my PC Specs. Thanks.

Power Supply: Corsair RM850X
MB: MSI Gaming Pro Carbon
DUAL 2GB NVMe Drives. One in TURBO M.2 slot.
CPU: Intel i9-9900KF 3.60
RAM: 32GB Corsair RGB RAM (No O/C of RAM)
Windows 10 64
DRIVER: Latest

This is what i use for my GPU. I have a 1080Ti in my gaming rig. The author of this video is very knowledgeable. He also has videos on OC Cpu’s that i use as well.

Got it. Thank you