I’ve been dealing with this issue for close to a year now and am curious if anyone else has experienced it or found a solution before I go to Zendesk. It affects basically any aircraft using the default avionics.
Important facts:
It happens with 0 mods installed (as far as I can tell, there might be some Orbx addons installed but mostly scenery)
It happens in both freeware and payware that use this unit, so it’s related to the avionics it seems
My hardware:
Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo
Logitech Flight Instrument Panel
Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS
CH Pro Pedals
It happens whether or not the radio panel is plugged in, and whether or not I’m using the yoke and throttle or the HOTAS.
These two screenshots are from the Alouette III and Super Viking, however it also happens with most Carenado aircraft, some Asobo aircraft, and the S6 Coyote.
If I recall correctly there was a free update to the gps in the market place. I wonder if it is linked to that - might be worth trying that and/or making sure you have all updates in the content manager applied?
I have the WT mods from the marketplace installed and updated. Not using PMS or any other avionics mod. It’s really weird. One other person that I could find had a possibly related issue which ended up being related to the PMS mods, but I don’t have those anymore. The mystery continues.
I have some kind of conflict where both com and nav frequencies are displayed in the nav radio menu. I can see that the frequencies can be changed, but they are not readable. The issue is the same in C152 and C172 with the older radio panel.
Hopefully one day they or I can figure out why it’s doing that, but it seems that Terrainy has unfortunately abandoned the addon. My guess is that something in their files is overriding the default radio in a conflicting way.