Owners of flight multi panel

Or any other panel (radio etc) have your panels stopped working in game since SU 5.

My panels all work well.

So far so good.

I found that the logitech plugin was not starting g under SU5.
The fix was to either start it manually from the logitech item or directory or to add it to start in the registry


My ‘pro switch panel’ stopped working and the others still worked. Since I permantly uninstalled the sim I gave my son all the hardware. He’s not too interested in flight sim though.

All my 5 proflight/saitek/logitech panels are working great. Hope that you get this sorted out. Are all your (usb) drivers up to date? Logi driver?

Thanks how do I do this

I recently bought the multi flight panel and it arrived after the SU5 was added ( arrived same day) it lights up onthe pc and the test program shows all is ok but not in game.

Thanks any help will be welcomed

option 1 (manual)-
With windows explorer open C:\Program Files\Logitech\Microsoft Flight Simulator Plugin ,right click and select send desktop (create shortcut)
then open the shortcut and make the target “C:\Program Files\Logitech\Microsoft Flight Simulator Plugin\LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator.exe” --run --force
====this is the location where my logitech driver install is yours may be different===
double click on the icon whenever you use MSFS (either before or while running)

option 2 (automatic)-
Don’t do this if you don’t understand my instructions-I AM NOT TO BLAME IF YOU GET IT WRONG!!!
Open regedit
open key Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
in right panel right click and create new string value with name logitechstartpanelMSFS and data
“C:\Program Files\Logitech\Microsoft Flight Simulator Plugin\LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator.exe” --run --force
====this is the location where my logitech driver install is yours may be different===
====this will start the driver whever you start the PC so you won’t have to remember to start it====

I don’t know why some people are getting this (me included) and others don’t

Both ways work 100% for me


Brilliant Thanks

I’ll try these

Using via SPAD.neXt no problem.

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The Logitech driver can be a little wonky. It gets attached to the MSFS process on launch and will run alongside it. If for some reason it didn’t load, you can manually start it, although it SHOULD start alongside MSFS.

Things to keep in mind if it’s not working - if the sim happens to crash or gets force closed (vs exiting the sim normally), the Logitech driver will NOT unload from memory. And when you restart the sim again, even though it’s still running, MSFS will try to start it, fail (since it’s already running) and won’t connect to it, so your panels won’t work. The way around this is to fine LogitechFlightSupport in your task manager and force it to shut down, then restart the sim. Or a reboot of Windows will fix it.

Or you can buy SPAD.neXt, remove the Logitech drivers altogether, and never have to worry about Logitech drivers not working ever again.


My flight multi panel working without any problems.

Maybe because your file named exe.xml is corrupted or doesn’t exist :wink:

Moved to #self-service:peripherals

Thanks when I click on LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator

Im getting this message

:warning:No arguments use - help for argument list

Try running it from your start menu instead. Hit your Windows key and type Logitech. It should find something like Logitech Flight Support or something like that (can’t remember the exact name - I got rid of my Logitech panels). If you run it manually from there, it works.

Thanks I’m trying this

Use option1 this includes the arguments as it is supposed to have clinical arguments which you cannot do by double clicking on the exe


I’m having another problem with the switch panel. The altitude suddenly changes to 99999 feet. Doesn’t happen all the time tho. Turning the knob works for a second or two and then back to 99999
 Anyone else encountered this? Yes I have the latest drivers (December 2020). Not too interested in running spad.next.

Thank you so so much it’s WORKING, I’ve been after this panel for ages and I finally got one last week and to see it work for the first time it’s brilliant

Thanks again

You’ve made an old simmer very happy

What a great piece of kit this is.

Thanks again