Pain could have been avoided

Dear Asobo,

I know you guys are working extremely and there is a long list of things you need to fix but some of the issue we saw in WU4 got flagged within the first few hours on the beta. Instead of pushing the update until some of the critical fixes are in, you decided to keep your original schedule and breaks a lot of mods in the process.

The problem are not the 300 beta tester that decided to opt-in, the issue is on the feedback loop and insuring that some of the most important bug gets crushed before you do a release. I understand what you are doing is not easy and we know mistake can be made but 1 week prior to release was a terrible idea. What did you expect ?

Now every single mod that uses a standalone WASM packages is broken. That’s impact all of the hardcore simmer that use external panel. This should have never go in in this state. Yet to continue to pushed on like it’s no big deal. You wonder why people are overly critical of your product ? Is that World update should be done after some of the critical fixes are done. I know it’s a different team that works on that but every single one of them has broke something else. It’s time to prioritizes major issue instead of adding more scenery.


This is simply not true. Not sure why it is repeated over and over in the forums.
Only standalone WASM packages are affected.

I’m far more concerned that they didn’t even bother to include this known issue in the release notes if it was detected during beta. That would have been the bare minimum.

sorry. I re-worded. That’s what I meant.

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Hi @Symtex,
There’s several topics on this on the forum. The team is aware of the problem. If you wish to contribute further, this topic is the one pushed:
Thank you!

Duplicate Topic.