Panel view in a second monitor

This is most definitely untrue.

Yes, you’re right. Reading what I wrote back, I realise it sounds like I’m saying literally every older version of Flight Simulator had multiple window support, which is not true.

What I was trying (badly) to express was that multi-window support was a feature that existed in the product back when it was still a Sublogic title. Flight Simulator II for the Atari ST, Amiga and Mac in 1986 was the first version to introduce multi-window support.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0 was a Microsoft-branded PC version of Sublogic Flight Simulator which did not have multi-window; neither did MSFS 2.0. Multi-window support was added to the PC port in MSFS 3.0 in 1988, after it had first appeared in the Macintosh version of FS2.

Multi-monitor support came later when MSFS added the ability to ‘undock’ a view from the main game window and put it on any attached monitor. But multi-window support - that is, the ability to have more than one discrete viewport, each from any available camera, open on-screen at the same time - has been in the product since 1986. That was the point I was supposed to be making.

Edit: you can see multi-window at work in the Atari ST version of FS2 in this video. It’s primitive and limited to two windows, but it’s there, and every version of the game after this had improved multi-window support right up to FSX. MSFS 2020 removed this support except for glass-cockpit pop-outs and toolbar windows, and IMHO that’s a giant regressive step that needs to be fixed.

hi not sure if this is relevant but i dont use air manager at all. got everything working the way i want it using a mix of periperals, logitech panels, streamdecks and touchscreen and non touchscreen monitors. also to control most.



That is a very nice and impressive hardware cockpit set up you have there @Tomjc106
And relevant (i think it is) but i leave that to the topic author to decide as i believe he is talking about
To get his sim instruments on a second screen aligned with the top view
