On missionary Bush pilots latest video I asked him if it wouldn’t be a great idea to do a collaboration with Microsoft flight simulator…and he answered that there have been actual talks about it with his organization…but they refused!
My guess is that flightsimulation is something far from the daily life’s of these fine people and therefore not much interest exists…but don’t you think that we should try to change their minds?
Isnt Bush piloting in exiting locations and for a good cause one of the pinnacles of aviation and therefore simming?
Personly it’s my main activity in the sim and I would consider such collaboration the highest wished for update.
It could be a world update focussing on Papua with missions instead of a round-trip. Showing of the difficulties of flight and the humanity behind it all.
Can we as a community try to change the organisation’s mind?
Hi there. If you are a Patreon member of Missionary Bush Pilot, you get access to good maps, etc. and links to flightsim.to for downloadable airstrips that people have made based on Missionary Bush Pilot’s videos, and information that Ryan (Missionary Bush Pilot’s name) has provided to his Patreon members… Missionary Bush Pilot is creating bush flying videos & photography in Papua New Guinea | Patreon
Also, if you are interested, consider joining FSEconomy.net! I simulate flights in FSEconomy in Papua New Guinea (PNG) based on Ethnos360’s flight operations.
As far as changing people’s minds is concerned, I think the flight-simming community has done a pretty good job at making many of the airstrips that Missionary Bush Pilot flies into. While I think a series of “Missions” based on Ryan’s YouTube adventures would be a great idea, I think the answer you are looking for is within your own imagination! Nothing is stopping that!
Two last things, I have a YouTube channel where I post my “MissionaryBushPilot” flights for FSEconomy . net; I haven’t done too many yet, but feel free to have a look Second Flight PNG Daher Kodiak MSFS 2020; FSEconomy.net - YouTube
Lastly, I have a fundraiser for MissionaryBushPilot via FSEconomy . net ; I use MSFS 2020 for all of my flying these days, but perhaps I should widen the fundraiser to not just FSEconomy . net but to the MSFS 2020 forum as well for those also interested in contributing to building an actual building at one of the airports that Ryan flies into! MissionaryBushPilot | Fundly
There’s loads of possible reasons his organisation refused not least money.
They are a missionary who need to raise money in order to do their work, they wouldn’t collaborate without some kind of payoff…if I were them I wouldn’t do it for nothing.
The way he pushes the shades, caps and teashirts I would say they are very commercially aware. Not cheap.
Neofly is another (free) program that can give you “missions” to fly in Papua; I use it sometimes to randomly pick me some strips to fly to… it’s a good way to explore an area.
There are also a lot of addon strips available for download in PNG and Papua Indonesia… using the scenery map on flightsim.to can make them easier to find than a text search:
Let me rephrase:
The organisation that the missionary bush pilot works for is a religious organisation that hopes to spread the word by doing good deeds in far flung places… connecting primitive tribes with “civilisation” and saving souls by educating them in the ways of “■■■■■ Christ” (regardless of whether the tribes need it)
I don’t think educated, middle class flight simmers are their target demograph, unless, of course they can provide loads of money/charitable donations in order to finance the missions very expensive operations.
i guess the freeware content is ok enough to be happy. its hard to imagine microsoft convincing bing to create photogrammetry or highres satelite data for such a sparsly populated area.
thanks for to all the content creators that focus on that area.
I’m hoping that microsoft Asobo know exactly where people are flying (they must know) and that helps them decide where to concentrate their efforts. What areas are popular rather than what areas are populated. It would make commercial sense…Just a thought.
This is why I do not watch that channel. I have read articles on him and seen pictures, obviously he is an extremely skilled aviator and for that - much respect. But I find the whole “missionary” thing very very uncomfortable (to use a mild word) so I just avoid the channel and have selected “ignore” on YouTube.
I would not be surprised if this was what made MS uncomfortable too.
You don’t really need that “organisation”'s agreement to build an update for the region, with bush flying in focus, so include as many airstrips as possible, build some bush trips etc.
However, I imagine that good DEM for PNG won’t be that easy to find.
The DEM in the base sim is actually quite good; mesh doesn’t seem to be an issue. The challenge is more about high-res aerial imagery for ground textures. And actually, the PNG side of New Guinea is better covered by this as well. I’ve found problems when attempting to build some strips on the Papua Indonesia side though, and near the border - there are areas (surrounding and east of the Baliem Valley for instance) where it seems no good publicly available imagery exists from any provider. Textures are very low res, clouds are merged into the terrain etc. I’ve been working on Kwegono, seen here:
… and it took some doing to even figure out the location to begin with. The in sim textures of surrounding mountains are terrible, it’s like a blank spot on the map. Slightly better with Google imagery for folks who use that mod, but I’m still going to end up covering wide swaths of mountains in trees to cover the textures haha.