Passenger-version of MSFS to break the isolation

There are many requests for “shared cockpit” and “multiplayer” features, but what I really would like to see these days is a way of introducing friends to flight simulation by inviting them as passengers:

  • A free version of MSFS for passengers.

Allow anyone (with a sufficient computer) to follow along as a passenger in a “read-only” demo version of the simulator.

This would be the perfect way to share the experience with friends and introduce them to the hobby. Apart from being a lot of fun, I imagine it being a great way to way to find new customers of the full (payed) version of the simulator.

It would also be a fantastic way of coping with the isolation we all suffer right now: meet with friends anywhere in the world.

  • Passengers can’t control anything, but can join the flight in any seat.
  • Passengers will of course still need a good computer and internet connection.
  • Passengers don’t need to know anything about flying, nor do they need any flight simulation hardware.
  • The pilot (owner of a full MSFS-version) creates the flight (weather, time, flight plan, etc).
  • A shared flight can be accessed by a link, much like any other meeting these days.
  • Passengers use flat 2d screen, headtracking or even VR (basically “free look” by default).
  • Passengers have some graphics settings, but no need for control bindings, weather, flight-planning, aircraft selection, flight log, market place, etc.
  • A shared voice channel would be nice (same cabin/cockpit no need for ptt/radio), but any third-party voice chat can be used.
  • No need for actual simulation of the passengers: it’s up to the pilot to add passenger weight & distribution if he/she wants to go for full realism. You can even allow a dozen people in a two-seater!
  • Passengers can join and leave at any time.

I really enjoy this flight sim and want to share my enthusiasm with friends, but that’s difficult these days. Personally, I can go anywhere in the world (in VR, even) – but only alone. None of my friends so far have the sim – mostly, I believe, because they haven’t yet experienced it.

A shared flight could very well be the best covid-safe party ever, with a great chance of introducing new people to the hobby. Consider it a demo version – a way of sharing our fascination and finding new customers for MSFS at the same.

I was thinking maybe we can also be virtual passengers in airliners or other planes, complete with check-in, in-flight services, boarding, deboarding, etc…I think that would be cool…


Wait… what ? Do you want to implement in this sim the most boring and longest part about taking a plane ? x)

Are you insane ? :joy:


I’m not insane, but it’s an option some people may experience…


True, until they wait their plane for twelve hours in a ■■■■ airport somewhere x)

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Well, there is pretty much such a game about to be released:


I can’t believe it ! There’s even the baby cries…

Our civilisation has been waaaaay too far :joy:

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… so a chat room set inside the MSFS virtual world. That’s a pretty interesting idea!

:slight_smile: Been suggesting this one awhile too. CHEERS!

I like livestreaming flights for my Twitter followers and have been talking about exactly this kind of MSFS Passenger App.

  • Create an Avatar (SIM)

  • Lots of Camera view selections

  • BING Map overlays

  • Voice and Text Chat

  • Animated boarding

  • Custom and Pre-Made Pilot/Crew Announcements

  • Earn Virtual Frequent Flyer Miles to purchase LOTS of stuff for your SIM: Clothes, Postcards, collectables, passport stamps, custom luggage (that appears during ground service baggage delivery)…etc etc etc

  • Food and Beverage Services?

  • Feedback/Rating tools for passengers

  • Add a Pilot (find flights from your favorite pilots)

  • PILOT: Send Mass Invite - Send mass invites to: Email addresses, Twitter @'s, Facebook names. Post invites to social Media.

  • Activities: This is a tough one. How do you create fun activities for the passengers too. Mini-games?

Seems there are so many possibilities.


Wouldn’t a zoom meeting with a friend while sharing the MSFS screen do about the same thing?

No, you can’t look around in a video stream. In “game mode,” you have full 3D graphics and can look in any direction you like. Even more so in VR. :slight_smile:

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Microsoft should get the license for at least the original AIRPLANE movie so we can always throw that on without a YouTube copyright violation. :slight_smile: heh

For night flights when just babysitting the plane I try and find Public Domain movies and window them in OBS.

Picked up LUKE Air Tools for the pre-recorded announcements.

In Showcase view #12 & 13 are two window views but you can not look around.

yeah this all seems silly but interestingly dooable.

Makes sense. Thanks.

550 / 5000

We all spend a lot of time in the flight simulator. It would be great if we could take friends or family as passengers on a flight, who could log into the flight via a client (without having to buy / install the MSFS ourselves) and with whom we could then talk in the flight . We fly, and our friends / family sit as passengers and enjoy our flight and the great MSFS. Especially during Corona times, for example, it would be great if we could enjoy the MSFS together, even if we are actually spatially separated.


The former may not be needed nowadays. It could be achieved via Xcloud streaming :smiley:

Regardless, this is a great idea and has my vote :smiley:


surely you can’t be serious

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GREAT IDEA MAN!!!.. Awesome and cool

They really need to add passenger mode on xbox console to take this sim to the next level. FS passenger was great and made it worth flying correct so that would increase your companies wealth. That is something worth buying again.

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I’m late to this party but I’ve had several non-simmer friends of mine who would love to just “go along for the ride.”

It happens in real life all the time. I’m guessing half my logged flight time is probably with friends (or friends of friends) who wanted nothing more than a ride.

Why not in the sim world as well?



I’d like to think this has become much more feasible thanks to the sim being available via cloud gaming.

Also shortsighted by some people to think of this as just something for commercial flight roleplay. Seriously? Come on, there’s way more to passenger aviation than jet liners. Hop in the back seat of an aerobatic aircraft, go on low-alt sightseeing tours in GA aircraft, formation fly in military jets, etc etc

Would so love for some friends or family or even random people to just “drop in” for a flight