PC 12 NGX - Oxygen depletion on missions

Hello, Same here reproduce can 2 time this morning (warning and blackout despite pilot oxygen activated). Between FL200 & FL250.

the controls do not show any values. it appears to be broken. another thing on my list to check after patch three drops.

Good evening, I tried different flight levels all day, the only one to be quiet is the FL180. I know that it is not a solution but while waiting for the bug to be correctedā€¦

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well you said the bug report was existing and thatā€™s why you moved it in the first place, so was it existing or not lmao ether way does not matter now but going forwardā€¦

And unfortunately, this bug still exists in the PC-12 NGX for the initial career mode VIP Charter mission.


Just lower your altitude in the EFB and file the plan with ATC and upload to avionics prior to starting the mission. Thatā€™s the easy work around for the time being.

Has this been fixed with the December 10th patch?

Unfortunately it hasnā€™t

Nope. Tried it this afternoon and died.

same issueā€¦ welcome to paying to alpha test. Microsoft / Asobo has a great business model going here.

Itā€™s been 2 weeks and this has not been corrected. What is the hold up? Medium cargo missions are impossible to complete.

We the community, demand answer today.


As a workaround just fly FL180 instead of the default for that plane FL290, just need to remember to change that in EFB on mission beefing screen and files with ATC


Could we please make this a bug?

so you played dead golfer simulator 2024. the only thing missing is the cross country ghostride with an F-16 escort.

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This is very annoying especially trying to complete a mission at 30K Ft as instructed by the ATC, without skipping. This doesnā€™t happen in free flight. Itā€™s another ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  bug.

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This bug is still present in PC-12 missionsā€¦

Wellā€¦ Iā€™m having this oxygen problem tooā€¦canā€™t finish any flight with Pilatusā€¦

Hello, I hope you are well.
Unfortunately the pressurization of PC 12 is broken.
Fly below 18000 ft, and you will be able to carry out your missions.
This is the best performing aircraft, 1 Million credits per flight in cargo delivery in career mode.

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Hi, is the pressurization working on the PC24?
Iā€™m thinking to purchase it for VIP missions.

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