PC 12 NGX - Oxygen depletion on missions


I have learned that on the PC-12, anything FL18 or above will give you that warning and fail you.

I go into the EFB as soon as I start the engine, change the altitude to FL140, come back and activate it on the MFD, then when I call for IFR clearance, they give me FL140.

Just disable oxy/press for pc-12 until fix ? Idk if is possible.

You haven’t heard? They couldn’t care less about career mode. It’s “good enough”.

I had the same issue at FL300. I’m flying along now at FL180 and doing fine. Only bad thing is I have that annoying reminder from ATC to reach FL300

Just change your FL cruise on top right of EFB and send it to ATC

will be solved only on SU-02 after April.

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Maybe I’m reading this wrong but to me this says this should have been fixed but on, I still get the warning flying above FL190. Is everyone else still experiencing this?

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If you’re on pc there is a fix for this on flightsim.to I’ll try and find the link. There’s another thread about this topic that has the link in it as well

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Please can you give me the link?


Did a full med cargo mission at FL290 yesterday with no issue.

Here’s the other thread as well

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Did not work sadly. Followed the fix steps but still died of hypoxia. Just copy the folder to the community should be enough right? i have switched the oxygen lever to on in the pc-12

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Make sure you copy the public build folder only. I had the same issue after extracting the zip folder and just placing the whole thing in the community folder. Had to open the folders until I found the public build folder and just copy that one


Yes, still there, “you´ve put yourself in danger of hypoxia” at FL200. That´s a 140$ triple AAA simulator looks like

This fixed it. Now its working. Thanks

Fixed through SU1 or through the 3rd party patch?

Third party app…su1 still dead by hypoxia


Nuff said, I want my money back! Atrocious!