Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or 2024: 2024
Version Build Number (Where do I locate that? ): v1.2.8.0
Game Platform (Steam, Xbox, MS Store): MS Store
Description of the issue: The PC-24 has not got its pressurasation and reference speeds set correctly in the panel.xml for the Epic2 Avionics. Epic2 panel.xml Tag Documentation | MSFS Avionics Frameworks and Instruments
There is a few key issues:
The Cabin Altidue is always flashing red, the pressure and cabin rate are not showing correctly
Working Title confirmed that this is due to the Aircraft Developer not setting this up correctly.
The reference speeds for the PC-24 are set incorrectly in the panel.xml they are incorrectly using the PC-12 speeds, this means the aircraft Auto throttle in FMS mode is using the wrong speeds and is trying to cruise at Mach 0.3
The checklist is not defined in the PC-24 but is working in the PC-12
If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:
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Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue.
Launch the PC-24
Fly to FL300 using the Autothrottle (Reference speeds are wrong)
The CAB ALT logic is not working or implemented causing the ALT symbol to flash red
The checklist don’t appear which is required for the No Takeoff message to disappear
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• same issues here !
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additionally: it’s not possible to change cruise speed from .470M to anything more appropriate (like 0.6M, which is standard for the PC24 i believe). after entering a different mach number, the MFD simply replaces it with .470 again.
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• On the upper MFD, INIT pages, Databases tab, we can see that the PC47E-WT0453 is being used. thats a PC12-47E. not a PC24. so the numbers and programing is for the NGX not the PC-24.
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This seems to be fixed now.
Yesterday I was able to dial in .7M which this time wasn’t replaced by the MFD.
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coincidentally i’m just about to do a PC-24 flight now. i’ll see if that works. cheers.
EDIT: it works now. thanks for the heads up.
the speed also for approach seems to be wrong, low close to stall speeds.
Someone know what is the correct value for this airplane?
VREF (reference speed, final approach) | 102 KIAS, from .
see the following:
note that in-game, Vspds are Vr, Vx, Vy and Vt, whereas they should be V1, Vr, V2 and Vt. this is probably because they’ve been copy-pasted from the Pilatus PC-12.
#TLDR climb speed summary:
takeoff: V2 = 100 knots (in the PC-24 Honeywell example video below, where Vr was 90 knots)
once V2 reached: V2 + 10 knots
flaps up: 170 knots
above 2500 ft + 4 miles from runway: 200 knots
above FL350: mach 0.6
you’ll have to change the speed source from FMS to MAN and bug these up yourself, since unf…
(from )
Balanced field length (MTOW, ISA) | 2,930 ft
Rate of climb | 4,070 fpm
Landing distance (MLW, ISA) | 2,375 ft
Max cruise speed (FL280) | 440 KTAS
NBAA IFR range (long-range cruise) | 2,106 nm
Max operating altitude | 45,000 ft
Limiting and Recommended Airspeeds
VS0 | 82 KIAS
V1 (takeoff decision speed) | 96 KIAS
VR (rotation) | 96 KIAS
V2 (takeoff safety speed) | 106 KIAS
VT (takeoff target speed) | 170 KIAS
VFE (max flap extended), flaps 8 |…
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Thank you for the bug report.
We have created an internal ticket to see if our team already has this logged, and if not they will attempt to reproduce the issue and create a new bug report. This item is now marked as feedback-logged . If there is an existing bug report or one is created, we will move this thread to bug-logged .
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
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• same here also