[PC] Some keybindings and controller button bindings broken, Xbox Controller causes cockpit camera drift

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Brief description of the issue:
Some of the key and button bindings seem to be unresponsive (CTRL+F10; center cockpit view; elevator trim for X-Cub), and when an Xbox One controller is plugged in, cockpit camera develops a slight drift (usually down); look left/right in cockpit with Xbox One controller is extremely slow & flipped, but unable to un-flip.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Start game with joystick & xbox controller plugged in.
Load in with any plane (e.g. C208B)

PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)
Ryzen5 3600; RTX2060; 32GB RAM

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue: &

Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?
MS Store

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?

I’m having the same issue!

have you adjusted your deadzone settings for the controller?

I did adjust all of my deadzones to 10% for the controller, still have drift. The seamless way I was previously able to use the controller and the mouse to look around is also broken. Haven’t flown more than 5 minutes as a result since SU5 :frowning:

Have you tried putting them higher? I found with mine it required a surprisingly high deadzone to prevent drift, as the controller I was using is quite old. Less of an issue with a new controller.

I am trying to play with the deadzone a bit, see if it helps, but so far there’s no noticeable improvement.

Whoa, that totally worked! Had to go up to 35%, but seems better now. Thanks! Still wish the mouse could be used with the controller to look around without interrupting flight inputs, as i used to be able to do. But i can now fly at least. So thanks!

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