Performance Chart

Hi All

I’ve been at work all day and my brain is broken :rofl: :grimacing:

I’d like to try and make one of these charts to compare our mod alongside but for the life of me I can’t seem to get the right combination of columns and graph formatting in excel to reproduce one.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

To begin with, you are actually looking at a composite of 4 separate graphs.

  • 23in and 2300 rpm
  • 25in and 2500 rpm
  • FT and 2300 rpm
  • FT and 2500 rpm

Create each graph independently and overlay them when done.
I am assuming you already have the data in a spread sheet? I would separate the data for each power/rpm setting into blocks. The generate a simple line chart.

I mapped out the Bonanza a year ago and used excel (web browser version) to plot the graphs

Then paint shop to overlay different graphs for comparisons. The tricky part was getting them the exact same size (in Excel)

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Alt+drag the sides to snap the charts to the cells. This way exact sizing is easy.

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A good night’s sleep and a fresh mind do wonders!

Time to plot 25" then into the sim for some testing in our Bonanza Mod to double check our figures. :slight_smile:


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