Performance Decrease when Using Pop-Out Panels

It makes no difference what monitor I try to maximize on. I tried on my old monitor on the left, on my 4K, and on one of my touch monitors. Full screen or not made no difference in my performance. CPU and GPU usage get chopped by about 30-40% as soon as a window is popped out and that’s where it stays.

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I finally bit the bullet and purchased Skyelite. I got it from Aerosoft website. For $23 it really is quite good. Early in development but has promise. I use two different web browser (chrome & edge) to display the units. Have it running on the same pc as the sim, haven’t tried running different devices yet. No FPS hits which is great.


Great set up. So are you using monitors? I’m using ipads and I find them a little buggy. Adjusting altitude using the touchscreen dials is a little iffy. I’ve actually stopped using the map page in favour of little navmap on a second monitor. I found a disconnect between msfs flight plan and autopilot and skyelite. Often the plane wouldn’t go exactly past the designated way point and skyelite would treat it as missed and it would mess up the distance calculator and instead of counting down until the next waypoint it would count up from the missed one.

Yes using two monitors. Using the same setup as Crunchmeister71. I seen the wonderful setup he has and just followed his path. Only fiddled with this for a few hrs. the map isn’t the best, and too thought about little navi…will give it a try after work.

Yeah I think I’m about to bite the bullet and buy the honeycomb system and a couple of monitors to do a similar set-up. I’m sure my wife will understand, right? :joy:

LNM is pretty good so far but I still have settings to play with…adjusting flight altitude mainly, and getting elevations working right.

Did I read correctly somewhere that the pfd/mfd from in the sim can be popped out and placed on external monitors?

yes they can. but at a cost of 10-15 fps. A little advice…add slowly and then when they ask…“honey this isn’t new. I always had this” :wink:

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Thats a shame about the fps, otherwise seems like a pretty good idea.

I have a couple of questions if you don’t mind…how did you secure the monitors to the yoke and TQ? and how does the knob work that you have there?

sure I purchase two of the following that get attached to the yoke and throttle Quad. to mount the monitors.

the knob is the following item. unfortunately it doesn’t work with Skyelite, but is made to work with Air Manager, which is a program that allows you to create your own flight panels.

Thanks for that. I just bought a couple of 15" monitors to mount (for when the honeycomb set arrives) so I will most likely move over to Air Manager and will look at the knobster for it.

last but not lease… the two monitors

touch screens?

No…I guess I should have. Might try and cancel the order I just did from Amazon. Does it matter too much do you think?

you could get by with a mouse, touch screen just makes it easier. the knobster gives the realistic feel of turning the knobs also

before you do anything, check this video. then decided if it worth it or not

yeah I figured click with the mouse and use the knobster. I figure that once I have the new yoke and TQ a lot of the mechanical switches are there on those anyway…doesn’t the TQ have dials for VS, Alt, etc?

yes they are all there…just a little buggy right now with the state of the sim

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well good luck and enjoy…the Alpha and Bravo are one of the best purchases I have made…your going to love them… :+1:

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