Performance regression in

I’m just using the dev mod to show the fps counter

Brief description of the issue:

You can clearly see a performance decrease in the last version of msfs, I still have the on my computer to make comparaisons and I’m so surprised about this 10 fps difference !

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

happens on any plane any airport default or 3rd party aircraft

nvidia driver 555.99

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

i7 4790k OC 5ghz (tested with and without OC)
RTX 3070ti
16gb DDR3

Could you show us the same difference in the Asobo 172 G1000 please?

Hi @ConePilote2 ,

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I see that the first screenshot is taken while MSFS has been running for 25mn+. The second one is taken as MSFS is running since 5mn. For my sole experience (I don’t know if anyone has felt the same), since SU15, general load time is a bit longer now, the game takes more time to start. After that, it’s running well, but “load-wise”, it takes longer. Based on that tioming also, it might be that your first screenshot has been taken after the Cold&Dark + taxi time, and your second screenshot is “spawn on the runway”. Which make the two situations a bit different.

That being said, I’m pretty sure you just did not launch this thread based only on that numbers, and you have a more general feeling.

I’m a bit surprised here, as I never thought that one could have both versions at the same time on the same computer ?

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Hello so both are spawn on the runway, I had a weird bug leaving the SU15 beta, at release day somehow my flightsim stayed in, I saw very good fps and realised what was going on, I copied the files in a backup and used Stripr to prevent further updates, this installation have to launched from the flightsimulator.exe and not for the xbox app

So no taxi time or anything both are spawn on the runway, in one of the screenshot my sim was just staying at the home screen for longer I guess but here are the same thing with the cessna as requested.

I did not think it was possible to use an older version of the sim. Are you using it offline? If so, that is a major difference which I would have thought made comparisons meaningless

yes here you go

6fps difference is a very small drop, almost statistical error, and could be attributed to many things. Your original was 9, which isn’t far off but I certainly wouldn’t be concerned by your last shot. There probably isn’t a huge amount we can do in any case. Those kinds of differences could be made up by using a different video driver, or maybe even disabling HT.

I have a 10 fps difference as well in the Fenix for example, I did A/B test at LSZH performing RTOs and the low 1% fps is 21fps for the last msfs version and 29fps for the 1.36.2

I mean if you consider this a small difference, it makes a change here from being fine to having a choppy experience.

I understand my CPU is old and made his time but I though it would be helpful to point out a performance decrease, If it’s needed I will share my msfs 1.36.2 with a friend that will make the same comparaisons. I have the feeling this issue would happen on people having old specs pc.


Yes me too, you can’t use a too old version of the sim tho but apparently 1.36.2 can still work with the current servers, if the flightsimulator is launched by its .exe file instead of the xbox app it won’t be updated :slight_smile:

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70-60 is fine, 60-50 is okay, 50-40 is bad, and anything less than that would be unusable for me, using a head tracker. So it really depends on your starting position.

The sim has been slipping in many aspects for a while now, but if you are flyting airliners, they tend to come with a higher performance hit than smaller GA planes.

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I agree, with the last tools such as framegen or lossless scaling, having 30fps stable can be enough if you can double it on your screen for people not having the latest pc specs, therefore my war to get stable above 30fps, if I have 50fps with the fenix I’ll expect to lose 20fps while peforming the takeoff and being on vatsim with such demanding plane

To be crystal clear, my first answer was not saying that you were wrong either in your conclusions or in the meaning/intention of your post. Apologies if it sounded harsh.

It’s really helpful to have strong data, hence I came to challenge how strong is yours. Plus the “launch an older version” thing, by the way :smiley:

So, thanks for that :muscle:

Unfortunately, here also stops the help I can try to bring, because the lab-setup seems to be near-perfect and this seems to prove that SU14 is better than SU15, on your rig, and performance-wise.

I would say in general though, performance has definitely degraded, I see that on my system and its pretty good, it just doesn’t impact people on top end systems as much. The challenge comes for medium and lower end systems as you definitely notice it more. On my rig frame generations really saves me from the performance impact.


No worries everything is okay :slight_smile: I’ll try to add more tests on the thread :+1:

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Maybe the addition with the new ground take off roll improvements ?

I was laying on this side, literraly “maybe it’s because PMDG is a bit incompatible with the new SU15 until a new update”, but your test with the 172 proved me wrong.

I imagine you’ve made the test in different airports ? That one may be one of the ones who have received a “Hub Update”, or something like this ?

I have also seen an increase in stutters after SU15. I’m using the PMDG B737-700 with no changes to my setup. Just SU15.

What are your system specs? Can you take a screenshot of the fps window with the plane and any location where you are getting the stutters?

If you were on the bubble previous to SU15 and then lost 7-10fps with the new release then that may be your reason for the increase in stutters.