Performance unlock with Alt+Tab

So noticed something today, when in VR taking the headset off and alt tabbing to another programme (or even just pressing the windows key) my FPS went from 60 to 80. As soon as I tab back into MSFS the FPS goes back down to 60ish.

Vsync is disabled as is GeForce Experience. So the last flight I did I started in VR, pressed Alt+Tab and continued flying with increased frame rates. Only issue is the mouse isn’t present in MSFS. To select things just needs an Alt+Tab back to MSFS.

See what others think. Don’t understand why it’s working like this for me.


Ryzen 5800x3D
RTX 4090 (DLSS Quality)
Reverb G2

Are you sure this is a true increase in FPS, or just an incorrect display (perhaps as this is the refresh rate of the Windows desktop rather than MSFS)? A similar effect can be seen when unpinning an instrument from FS, when the FPS shows the refresh rate of the new window.

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It feels much smoother so I think it’s true FPS rather than a refresh rate number. See if others can replicate it, might just be my system.

If I am honest, I suspect what you are seeing in terms of FPS numbers is due to which window/application is in focus. I would go with its is likely more of a placebo effect in terms of the sim feeling smoother. We would all like an improvement in sim performance for nothing after all!

Quite frankly you have a good system rocking a 4090 etc., I would say turn off the FPS counter and just enjoy the sim. 60 FPS in VR in a flight sim is going to be a good experience. I probably get around half that FPS with my now dated 2080Ti, but I still enjoy the sim well enough. Having an number on the number on the screen does not improve the experience or immersion. :+1:

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Agreed… I come from a somewhat aged ( 3+year old) laptop and even with all settings low it was a slide show big time.
Since 3 weeks I’m flying on a desktop ( i5 13600k,2TB EVO990 SSD, 4070ti 12 GB OC, 32 GB/5600 and a 32" 4k iiama)
Even with every setting out of the box it was yaw dropping.
Sure, I looked at the FPS counter in dev mode ( just out of curiousity) and saw a nice 60+ average with NO red ‘limited by main thread’ bar.

That’s fine, I know whether it feels smoother and it certainly worked for me. Could have been a fluke but regardless, let’s hope MSFS 2024 has much better VR performance.


You’re not crazy. I’ve seen the same thing. It’s hard to reproduce and not everyone has it. For me it started with the SU5 which ruined lots of stuff that’s still not fixed.

It’s most definitely not an error in measurement. I don’t monitor FPS and felt the smoothness…it’s obvious if it’s happening to you.


So would the FPS from the OpenXR toolkit display the active monitor? Not having a mouse is a deal breaker but perhaps a VR controller would work? Although, I would hate using a VR controller.

This seems like something that could be tested with a high refresh rate monitor.

OpenXR toolkit shows the increase on my system. I agree not having a mouse is a problem but a quick click of the mouse brings it back (and lowers the fps) to make a change and then alt tab back out of the sim gives a nice bump in performance.

Might just be me but the numbers show an increase and the sim is much smoother. Give it a try and let me know what happens on your system.

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I’ll try without FPS counter first and see what I notice. :smiley:

What kind of mouse are you using? I know drivers and certain things like smooth scrolling can sometimes cause issues.

I tested and had no difference. :frowning:

I was hoping I’d see some magical FPS, although I’d not have been able to use it.

I had a similar issue on my old system - using an original HTC Vive and an RTX2080ti.

The VR performance was laggy and was greatly improved when windows focus wasn’t on MSFS. When flying in VR I used to press the windows button to change the windows focus away from MSFS which greatly improved the jerkiness, but as soon as I had to interact with the cockpit using the mouse (thus returning focus to MSFS) the stutters returned.

Never worked out why and it doesn’t happen with my new PC and headset.


I have exactly the same and yes it’s much smoother

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This just happened to me by accident. Not in VR but every time I alt tab I go from 30fps lock to 60fps. Using a 5700x3d and a 3070. Took video of it in developer mode just incase I thought I was crazy.

For me it is the same but not only in VR.
In my case about 15 frames per second?. Also the Limited by main thred changes to limited by main thread and gpu alternately.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.11.05 -

Should we make a bug report?