PFD not working properly

The PFD screens is not showing anything on any of the planes. Please help.

But it is showing something. Your title is misleading. Could you be more specific?

And there’s no need to post this in three different categories.

Sorry for that. I meant how can I get rid of those orange letter blocks and show what it should display (nav,map).

That would depend on a lot of the information you didn’t provide.

When you ask for help on these forums it’s really, really important that you give as much information as possible in order to solve your problem.

Alright. Sorry again I’m quite new with this.
So basically I followed the proper start-up procedure but the map and nav still dont come up as usual. I didn’t have any add ons. Everything is being updated. I tried many different methods like trying with another plane model (either the b777 and b747 dont work) and let the AI have full control through start-up but still it didnt work work. I wonder if I have missed any steps when starting up. Hope heres enough information for you.

Also I would like to know if this is a common issue or a bug or whatever and how could I fix it. This never happened to me before and its struggling me a lot.

Need to input your latitude and longitude in the FMC.

When you say you followed “proper start up procedure”, we don’t know what you mean by that. It would be better if you would state, exactly what you did, step by step. Then we could see if you left something out.

The amber ATT message indicates that the IRSs aren’t aligned.

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