Hi all,
I’ve been playing 2024 on an Xbox X, and aside from the usual 2024 issues, gameplay itself has been very decent.
Recently I installed the sim on a PC, and I have a strange graphics issue - no matter what setting I try (tried all antialiasing options, all display quality levels, vsync on, vsync off, etc etc) - the SVT in the Garmin G1000 display in the cockpit view is hopelessly laggy. If I had to guess I’d say its FPS is about 1-3. This makes takeoffs/landings very difficult, as you can imagine… I tried a few different planes (c172, xcub, no difference).
Overall I get decent performance - around 40fps on high quality graphics (CPU limited), and can easily get 50-60 on lower quality settings (monitor is limited to 60). It’s really just the PFD…
Graphics: NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super
CPU: Intel i7-10700F
Memory: 48GB
Windows 11
MSFS2024 from Game Pass (xbox/ms store) - stable version
Any help would be greatly appreciated!