PFD (SVT) display laggy even though game overall good

Hi all,

I’ve been playing 2024 on an Xbox X, and aside from the usual 2024 issues, gameplay itself has been very decent.

Recently I installed the sim on a PC, and I have a strange graphics issue - no matter what setting I try (tried all antialiasing options, all display quality levels, vsync on, vsync off, etc etc) - the SVT in the Garmin G1000 display in the cockpit view is hopelessly laggy. If I had to guess I’d say its FPS is about 1-3. This makes takeoffs/landings very difficult, as you can imagine… I tried a few different planes (c172, xcub, no difference).

Overall I get decent performance - around 40fps on high quality graphics (CPU limited), and can easily get 50-60 on lower quality settings (monitor is limited to 60). It’s really just the PFD…

Graphics: NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super
CPU: Intel i7-10700F
Memory: 48GB

Windows 11
MSFS2024 from Game Pass (xbox/ms store) - stable version

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

How is set your glass cockpit refresh rate ?, try with increasing it:

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That did it! Set to High and it’s perfectly smooth now.
Thank you :grinning:

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