Could you please share what is your battery life via Virtual Desktop - wireless, when playing MSFS? Even with reduced brightness, it seem I can play 1hour and 30min max. I have RTX 4090, using 90hz. With full brightness it is 1hour max. Are this results ok or do I have broken PICO 4?
I don’t have the pico, so can’t weigh in on the battery length. It sounds typical for VR though.
With my Quest 2 I get about 2 hrs. Or did when it was new? I bought a 10k mah battery pack and stuck it to the back with a magnet. The weight perfectly balances the weight on the front on my face. I would get well over 5 hrs, maybe 6 with that setup. I imagine such a thing would work with any VR headset.
I also ordered some holder which goes on top of the head, it is included the head strap, but in the reviews people saying that P4 has better battery than Q3. I think Q3 last longer when I was testing Q3.
1 to 1:30 is totally reasonable for the pico 4.
I couldn’t say personally, but I have a friend who bought a Q3 and he says the battery life is worse than the 2. It has a larger one, but apparently uses a lot more power. That makes it solidly less than 2.
I have 1 PICO4 and if I switch to wifi only the battery lasts me 1h30 max.
Today I only use a wired network cable that is directly connected to USB-C via an adapter which allows power supply.
I can therefore use my headset even on very long flights
I play MSFS seating on a chair.
As a consequence, my Pico 4 is always connected to a USB cable. I don’t need a battery.
Note that even when connected to USB, the battery level DOES decrease :')
Thank you for your replies. After few charges it looks better. Now 1.5hours which is ok