Pico 4 test with Virtual Desktop

After reading and studying I thought I just give it a try and ordered a Pico 4.
I run an 13700k with 4090 with an Reverb G2 V2. So according to many reviews this should be an amazing product.
Tested it for 24 hours and returned it.
what a disapointing experience.
Used Virtual Desktop in all the highest setting and overide the resolution in the open xr toolkit to 4700/4700. (also tried lower resolutions)
Cannot understand why people with an Reverb G2 take this route :man_shrugging:
For my the Pico was a complete showstopper even with the pancake lenses.
Did some comparison test next afer each other and now way in my opinion this is comparable or even better then the Reverb.
I run the Reverb with Cas setting 100 and open XR at 225. This Image is so much better then the compressed image from the Pico. But clearly everyone has their experience but for me no more headset without an display port for the moment. The compression even with my machine makes the image really bad. Even the instruments where sharper on the Reverb, out of the sweetspot then the Pico 4.
Worked long in the video encoding business so I think I can judge an video image. So thought better share this experience.

Would love to upgrade some day to make things even better but for now I stick to the Reverb.

Have a great day and happy flying :sparkles:


I had the same experience. Pancake lenses are nice but the G2 is miles better in image quality and resolution. Not sure how people (even youtubers) can claim it’s in any way comparable in clarity.

Never buying another PCVR headset without displayport!

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I too had the same experience whilst using settings I was seeing online from folks proclaiming how majestic it was for the price.

However, after about 2 weeks of tweaking I was able to come to a place that is awesome. I use TAA over DLSS and 100% res in SteamVR (can’t remember the exact res) with OXRTK on FSR 90% sharpening 70-100 with nothing done to override resolution. (Edit) Forgot to include, I have SSW (spacewarp) off, VR bitrate 150, FPS 90 and Godlike of course (Edit). This gives me between 40-55FPS in headset and OXRTK claims I’m carrying about 10% GFX overhead with 45fps target so I’m leaving a bit on the table but I found this is better than the system trying to catch up.

For notes sake, I’m running a 4080, 12700K and 64GB DDR4.

Just thought I’d pipe in here because selling it crossed my mind in the beginning but I did import it to the USA so it wasn’t as simple as sending back to Amazon etc… I’m glad I kept it in the end.

I must say if you get this headset, you must buy at least the AMVR face cover on Amazon as the stock face cover is unusable to me after about a half hour, literally made my forehead numb. Also the BOBO VR battery and headstrap kit on Amazon. Those two mods together for an extra ~$130 make the headset fantastic assuming you can get your settings dialed.


As i’ve stated in other posts… I’ve sold my G2 about 2 months ago out of a grudge against WMR as a buggy, comatose platform. I was overly confident that with a little patience from my side i would be a happy owner of a more modern headset soon with a platform that is actually updated and developed… After analyzing the market however i came to a sad realization that basically all headsets released in the near future will be wireless and the rare ones with DP are just insanely overpriced (at least for my poor ol’ budget). I had no choice but to order a new G2 and my plan is to stick with it until roughly 2025. After seeing wireless headsets and the horrible horrible compression that comes with it i too feel that at least for now there is no way wireless headsets are usable for sims. It’s a real shame so many vendors decided to drop the DP and it’s especially sad that PICO 4 doesn’t have it, because it would definitelly be a G2 killer with a DP.


I understand youre point. And the headset cab of coures be used for FS. But coming from a Reverb G2 is uncomparable. I run openXr at 225 which is around 4700/4700 with a 4090. no compression so that inage next to the Pico is not the way to go.
Happy you got ot working enjoy :smiley:


Yeah the display port would have been optimal. I will say there is an element of being wireless that I “give” some slack. I’ve actually been testing out the Meta Quest Pro as well and that headset using a wired bit rate of 300-500 is the best I’ve ever seen across the whole range. It’s not going to give Reverb sweet spot across the whole screens at the res you’re running but I think we all know you have to spend 2,500 to get that.

@ExeRay hit it on the head as well and it’s very unfortunate about Display Port. Quest Pro wired compression at high bit rates is promising but there is a lot of load on the system using this compression where I think we’d all much rather have those resources available to crank it up a bit more.

Are you seeing any noticeable.compression issues at 500mbit still?

VD does not support cable. The assistant was not working very well either. returned the product.
maybe when they release a dp.

VD does not support a cable connection natively, however the workaround is using the USB tethering technique.

I take the opportunity for a noob question here: why going as high as 4700x4700 resolution when the headset is only able to display 2160x2160 ? I mean, I understand pushing the “source” resolution higher than the native one brings added clarity, ok. But more than 200% ? Is that really bringing even more ?

yes I am aware of this technique but thks anyway.
Yes pushing it makes in the reverb g2 a world of a difference. basiy youre super sampling the headset above the native resolution.
The image in the Reverb G2 is stunning there are some reviews on this bybthe flightsimguyđź‘Ś

Completely different experience for me coming from a quest 2 the PICO 4 paired with Virtual Desktop is like night and day. The clarity and smoothness I can achieve from the PICO is superb for both MSFS and DCS. All of this is whilst running with cable link but wireless WI-FI and a 3070 mobile. Very impressed.


At 500 the compression is unnoticeable in my opinion. Of course, I’d rather have a Display Port but this is the best experience visually that I’ve had in VR. I’m actually willing to concede some visual settings as simply having clarity across both displays make a huge difference. Really makes me want to know what the Varjo Aero looks like…

There is a problem with audio popping if you go any higher and I’ve even had it happen before at 500. Just to be clear for everyone else, I’m talking about the Quest Pro here and not the Pico 4 as I can’t change the bitrate outside of Virtual Desktop on the Pico 4.

Isn’t it the same guy that recently released a video in which he said he ditched his Quest 2 and uses only the Pico4 for now ?
Of course the Quest2 is not the Reverb G2, but he sounds so satisfied by his Pico that I’m wondering if your compression/clarity issues could be due to incorrect settings in SteamVR maybe ?

I hear good stories about the Pro.
Curious which resolution youre running?
I run my reverb at open xr 225 which gives me round 4700/4700. Curious how far you can get with the Pro. Sofar this supersampling gives me really good clarity and sharpness. Even with the Reverb’s sweetspot.

Yes, same guy. I used the same settings as recommended by him by ways of a whole setup guide though, so there should be no difference. People are just different I guess, as shown by the extremely divergent opinions of motion reprojection lol

This most likely is the cultprit as Pico, G2 and Quest2 should not be using SteamVR since they all have a native OpenXR runtime implemented. If you have SteamVR fiddling in between you are asking for all kind of performance, image quality and whatever problems.

As far as I know, the Pico4 does NOT have a “native” OpenXR support, so going through SteamVR is a must.
Also explains, according to the author of the OpenXR toolkit, why the hand tracking of the Pico4 cannot be used in MSFS :frowning:

I play between 100-150% 2800 or so on the high end. I think my system might have a fit if I tried to turn up the res to 4700/4700 with the pro. Encoding takes a bit more getting higher, almost on a parabolic curve it feels like. However, having the clarity across displays on the Pro is enough that I don’t feel I need the same sharpness I used to demand from my Rift S then Reverb G2. I’m by no means trying to sell anyone on a new headset but I will say, after you’ve tried pancake lenses, it might make you want to shelve your fresnel headsets, even if this means turning down res. This is my personal experience at least.

I will also add that I sold my Reverb when I was still running my 3080 and never even attempted 4700 squared so I can’t even say I know what that looks like.

These are just my opinions and I think you are in a good spot with your Reverb. I have these battles with myself when I’m tweaking that I need to find a good spot and just fly and it sounds like you are there.

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The thing that I have to be wary of on YouTube is it always seems like everyone is flying on a blue sky day in VR. This makes a HUGE difference when you are talking about frames and settings as we all know. I can count on 1 hand how many times I’ve changed the sim weather in the last year I think as having to make adjustments for weather is very real and part of the fun for me. I do all my testing in marginal weather for this reason.