Pico 4 with Tethered connection Best VR

So I did this connection as Jugando shows here step by step and this is the best I have had visually and stable using a USB cable with Virtual desktop. No Ethernet link , I tried that too but still had some lock ups on the Pico 4. This USB connection no lock up smooths as can be and the battery last a long time, A big Thank you for people like this helps us Noobs out.

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Hi thanks for you video! I am still trying to understand the connection options with the pico 4. Why would I do it with usb tethered? Will this set up affect my normal internet speed and Wi-Fi in other devices?

Currently I have an Ethernet cable from my router to my PC. I thought initially to us the Pico 4 with Wi-Fi. I still need to see how it behaves…
