Bought an adapter for my Pico 4 yesterday, and now I’d say the sim is 98 percent perfect. By that I mean that for a test flight of 80 km, I had a rock solid 72fps in the VD overlay for most of the time (measured in seconds it is probably more like 99,9 percent of the time) but about a half dozen times the game latency shot up to 200-300 ms which caused the game to have a major stutter and then it went back down to about 8ms. Encoding and networking are hovering around 5-9 ms each and decoding is about 12-14. So a total of about 42-44 ms for most of the flight. But those small freezes are very annoying. I don’t think I had them over wifi, even though the total experience was worse then.
Still have not found anything that is running that should cause the sim to have these sudden latency jumps. Any ideas?
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These are probably the random CPU spikes that many people have been getting since SU14. They need to fix it, there’s no rational reason for it and this never happened before. Hopefully the announced performance improvements will make a difference
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As far as I could find out the ethernet to usb-c is the current best option for the Pico4, my question is: Is the usb port on the router good for this purpose? Or do you absolutely need an ethernet to usb-c gadget to use this method?
Yes, you need an ethernet to USB-C adapter. Get one with a power input port so you can power your Pico 4. Get a 100W power adapter and your Pico is always full powered for endless flights. Use a CAT 8 ethernet cable to and from your cable router and make sure the USB-C cable is rated for 100 watts.
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Thanks for the answer!
Do you this would work? Can’t find the Ithramax one from the video, but this looks suspiciously similar.
It does look similar, the Itramax has a slightly different build. The Itramax surprisingly is out of stock at all my goto sources. the AXAGON has all the right specs and looks well made. There is one made under the name of WALNEW that looks exactly like the Itramax.
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In the end I started using the Pico on wifi6 as I couldn’t get hold of all components for the ethernet to usb c kit. I got an ASUS AX57 router and it works just fine. It doesn’t always show 1200Mb, but always feels smooth.