Pico 5 Roadmap

A new YouTube video has posted a roadmap for Pico’s upcoming Pico 5, including a top end version the Pico 5 Max, featuring 2nd gen pancake lenses, a DP connection for PCVR, eye tracking with per eye adjustment and a resolution per eye of 3840 x 3840 with a US $1,026 price tag. Sounds very interesting!

Video here: The QUEST 3 is not the ONLY Heavy Hitter of 2023!


Take this with a bag of salt, as unfortunately this roadmap may be fake, according to two commenters. Something about appearing on a Chinese Pico forum. Time will tell. Still, I expect Pico are working on newer models (hopefully with a DP connection) and Varjo are almost certain to be working on replacement for the Aero.

Very good, now we need to understand if to manage a 3048x3048 resolution we need to wait the 5090 or 6090.


With the current hardware you can already run the sim at 4000x4000 if you want.

If this ends up being confirmed, i just hope the company will not jus give up updating and improving the pico4, which was released a little bit less than one year ago…

Sure… in wireframe

If you know how to run MSFS in a wireframe then yes you can.

I am running my G2 with the supersampling above on a 4090 and pretty high settings. No problem. OpenXR, no SteamVR pipeline of course.

I am running an Aero at around 5200xXXXX (can’t remember) at 45fps locked. Very doable, at least with GA and even the less complex jets.

XR2 Gen2 Chipset is very likely and that comes with AV1 Encoding/decoding and that is even lighter than HEVC or certain 264. 4000 and 7000 Series GPUs from Nvidia and AMD offer AV1 encoding on the hardware. Could be a great solution for more FPS or lighter loads.