Pilatus PC-6 Tailwheel Issue

I tried the PC-6 950 variant for the first time today (sorry, I know it came out quite a while ago!) and I had major issues with the tail wheel during taxi to take off and taxi to parking after landing.

Initially, after startup, I started to taxi and immediately the aircraft began to turn to the left. I switched to 3rd person view and could see, upon rolling forward, the tailwheel was in a 45 degree left turn position even though the rudder was neutral. If I moved the rudder to left lock, the wheel would stop at a full 90 degrees, but if I moved the rudder to full right lock, the wheel would stop at 45 degrees to the right.

After landing, the tailwheel was stuck in a 90 degree full left lock position when the rudder was in a neutral position and would only turn straight when the rudder was pushed fully right. I was completely unable to turn right at all.

Messing around with various controls – in what order or what I did I have no idea – I was able to cure it, so I could taxi and takeoff. However, I was completely unable to repeat this after landing and had to just shutdown on the dirt off-pavement.

I loaded into the aircraft again and was able to replicate the 45 degrees to the left issue, so it wasn’t a one-off.

Anyhow, to anyone who flying this aircraft could you let me know if this is unique to me?


Ok, the same thing just happened after landing the steam gauge variant. It was fine taxiing to takeoff, but after landing the tailwheel did the same 90 degree to the left and won’t turn right issue that the G950 variant did.

I have somehow the same problem in the Bush trip of Puerto Rico, on the second leg.
(flight simulator v1.36.2.0).
My first leg was ok, even if the plane was steering to the left on take off and landing, and I succeeded somewhat to correct it.
But on my second leg (TJRV to TJIG), unable to take off. The plane is going left, directly in the buildings.

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If you taxi the same Pilatus version on a free flight, do you have the same tailwheel issue ?

I tried in a free flight. I have the same problem, but not to the left but to the right !!!
I tried also some other planes (cessna, cubcrafter), to check if I have a problem with joystick-calibration, but no. those are ok and without any problems.
My conclusion is that the Pilatus has a real inconcistent behavior.

But in the version for water, so no tailwheel:

You’re having the issue with the float version?

I had the issue with a taildragger.

So the issue is not related with the Puerto Rico Bush trip then. I cannot reproduce that issue in a freeflight (I am under ms-store). I think if it was an issue with the plane many users would already have reported it. In your control options, are you using a custom or the default controller profile for your xbox controller ?, if custom change to the default one and test gain. Looks like more a setup issue than a bug.

Where did anyone mention using an Xbox controller?

You are right, I assumed that too quickly because of the xbox tag in your 1st post and @endiendo per another similar report he created in the bug section is using pc/steam version.
So if using a custom profile for whatever controller you are using, can you try with the default profile ?
@NixonRedgrave : your OP is from 2022, are you still having that issue ?

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I haven’t flown it since, so I cannot say. I’d need to test again. The reason I posted here was to look for consensus, to ensure the issue was or wasn’t specific to me prior to posting as a bug.

However, as you can see, no one replied until today.

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I just flew the aircraft with zero issues. I was purposely violent on the rudder pedals while taxiing to see if I could force the issue.

Of course, and this is a BIG of course, I’m no longer on Xbox having switched to PC last April…

Thanks for the testing !. Let’s wait for @endiendo feedback about his pc controller profile.

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Oh, and I did my testing with my usual custom profiles, not the defaults.

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Some users that have downloaded the recent Dune extension have reported an issue with their controller profile that has been misconfigured or lost. I don’t know if @endiendo is in that situation, if yes could be an explanation.

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Yes, I’ve been monitoring that situation, too.

  • I have the Thrustmaster Airbus Joystick; with default profile of it. I have tried by increasing the dead-zone on my rudder-axis
  • no problems with other planes or other bush trips
  • and yes, I have all the last updates, so dune extension… and Flight Simulator version
  • on steam (pc)

Or maybe I miss to start a system/button of something, as I don’t really know this plane. I will make some trials today.

Ok I found it ! Please see this: Unable to take off with Pilatus PC-6 in Puerto Rico bush-trip - #4 by endiendo

I said that I used the default profile, yes, because I’ve never changed it. But Flight Simulator did change it, without warning. Yet there is a new profile for my joystick, the “Ornithopther’” (for Dune-extension).
When I select my usual default profile, the problem disappear.
The dev should warn when they do some changes like that !!!