Pilatus PC12 - Simworks or Carenado?

In my opinion SWS version is a no brainer. It has its own flight personality, ‘feels’like flying this large aircraft.

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I have the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo. I purchased a Carenado PC 12 and a SWS PC 12. The Carenado PC 12 is working on my Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo. The SWS PC 12 works on the Alpha but NOT on the Bravo. First I used the bindings from the Carenado PC 12 also for the SWS PC 12. It don’t work. Then I made new bindings under the name SWS PC12. That’s not working too. Both maps (carenado an SW PC 12) are in the community map. Is someone familiar with this problem or can somebody help me out?

I think the sws pc-12 is a little squirrelly because they bound the ailerons to the rudder.
Move ailerons and rudder moves too…down the runway, move rudder, ailerons move too.

No way to undo it. Like this it is junk!
I would have never bought it had I known. No other plane I have does this.

If you have the SWS Pilatus PC-12 version in your Community Folder, I found this to unbind it. I haven’t found a way if it was purchased through MarketPlace.

Posted December 15, 2023 (edited)

  1. Make sure that MSFS is not running
  2. Find this file
  3. Open it in Notepad++ and go to line 206:
  4. Change “True” to “False”
  5. Save.

From now on, Aileron and Rudder can be controlled separately with the default AXIS_AILERONS_SET and AXIS_RUDDER_SET events.

I believe the real aircraft has a rudder/aileron interconnect, but it doesn’t work too well in sim.

I get they are going for a realistic flight model, but I hope it’s something they can adjust as the transition from ground to air mode and back again is making takeoffs and landings a bit difficult imho, and they haven’t fixed it yet.

I’d rather the plane didn’t try and flip me upside down going down the runway…lol

My sws went in the trash too…done with that dung

What nonsense. I’ve got both the Carenado and the SWS PC12’s.
The SWS is superior in every way…

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