Pilot Black Out/Red Out

Why do our Sim-Pilots not suffer from black-outs or red-outs?
When pulling 4-6 positive g’s a pilot will begin to see the onset of a black-out. Anything over 7 g’s, you’re going to black out for a few seconds.
The same for negative g’s. The pilot should red-out.

Why are these effects not implemented into this ‘simulator’?


Which plane in the sim can pull 4-6Gs without breaking up?


Aermacchi MB339?

yes, ok it’s an addon. It’s quite a good one though :+1:



A single-pilot Extra 3xx is rated for ±10 G’s in the real world.


Are you serious? The extra 300 is rated for 10 g’s.
Do your own research.

Yes I am serious?

What did you think I am not? It was a simple question :slight_smile:

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He’s right about the Extra 300…

“ The Extra 300 is stressed for ±10 G with one person on board and ±8 G with two. Some Extra 300s are certified in the experimental category in the U.S., while others are certified in the aerobatic category.”



And you received a simple answer. :wink:

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See the comment above your answer for the proper non-patronizing way to answer a simple question.


The Pitts Special can also pull enough Gs to cause black/red outs. I think the rating is 6+ and 5- Gs.

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I think you’re right.
It would be nice to have this feature to make it a little more realistic.
As it is now, we fly around and feel invinvible, because there is no negative effects to the pilot at all.

Who is that response to?

Yes and a condescending encore, but I’ll let it slip. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mainly because I agree with the sentinment of your OP.


Nothing condescending about my reply to you.
You wanted to know, so I told you.

Good question wich I can not answer.
If I want to experience G effects I move to DCS , The viper is my favourit there.
Also included is the ability to destroy things and dogfight.
Those are things that we will not see in FS2020 and that’s ok to me.


I don’t believe is implemented n MSFS. You can go to the Wishlist forum and request that feature.

Well, this was more of a General Question, not a Wish.
I was just curious as to why something so obvious wouldn’t be included in this ‘sim’

It was at least patronizing, as others have pointed out…

but back to topic:

Since g resillience is individually different, from person to person and even day to day, you’d have to use average values, but that’s what any other sim does, so why not. At least a basic representation could absolutely be implemented. Just saying this could be one of the reasons blackout and redout have been omitted.

But I also want flight dynamics to go with more extreme flight envelopes. Aerobatics in previous flight simulator versions have been… lacking.

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Maybe some of you just need a little thicker skin.
Just mad because you can’t prove me wrong about g-force effects.

Because it’s a ‘flight simulator’ not a ‘physiology simulator’. But we could also have the pilot pass out if they fly too high without oxygen. Or pass out if they don’t eat on a long haul flight. So don’t forget to ring flight attendants for snacks. We’re definitely going to need a pilot health bar on the screen. And don’t forget bathroom breaks. /s

But seriously, I always found the fade to black or fade to red screens tacky af throwbacks to old combat games. It’s cool if folks want to see this, but it needs to be a selectable option.

Request it up in a wishlist thread, but the answer to your question is they’re swamped and in over their heads still trying to implement a hundred other features that will take priority. This might be best left to a third party add-on.