Pilot Black Out/Red Out

Read Nijntje91s response, please. Where did I say you black out at FL150? Have you actually been that high without oxygen? You can easily feel light headed at that altitude.

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i have been to 12k in a plane for 30min, because terrain, and 11k on a mountain. Math becomes hard at that altitude, but im still alive

Many GA planes are not pressurised.

Sorry if you feel your thread being derailed, but it could become a nice discussion about physiological effects in general?

I have been there too skydiving from a c208. But I don’t understand why people seem to downplay hypoxia.

It’s real, it’s dangerous and worth having in the sim as much as icing or GLOC IMHO :slight_smile:

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I don’t feel this thread is being derailed at all.
I was just clarifying that I was referring to blackouts caused by pulling G’s, not altitude.
But please, talk among yourselves. :joy:

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I’m sorry the “millennials” here think that psychological effects in general would be a good idea, including hypoxia.

That being said I think Asobo has bigger issues to solve at this moment. But it is ashame that options available in FSX have disappeared…

Yes, people do climb mountains at 13k and above and people die doing that. Just like flying it gets more dangerous as there is less and less oxygen available.

Don’t make it seem like one is just fine and the other is not. It’s the exact same. :smiley:

yeah hypoxia is dangerous. but you are not gonna blackout at 15k.

And putting some kind drunk like effect that GTA has is just frustrating

I don’t know if you would “pass-out” at 15k ft but you could definitely lose “useful consciousness” at 15k ft depending on length of exposure.

I have been flying as an instructor ones with someone who already had trouble breathing at 13k ft after a few minutes.

They could well simulate the effects of hypoxia, loss of color, loss of periferal vision etc.

Asobo has more important stuff to fix obviously but for the future, would be a nice addition.

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If we were to have physiological affects modeled, would MSFS have to put a “Mature Content” warning on the title?

8 hours OF bottle to throttle

Actually no…it may even depend on your daily constitution regarding blood oxygen levels etc.
While flying a chase plane for a UAV developer my flight partner, who never smoked a day in his life was starting to get extremely sloppy in his flying after we had spent about 90 minutes at about 12k.
Since that was definitely not normal for him I had him check is fingernails and they were already showing signs of turing blue. So I contacted the guys in the container and we broke off the flight for that day.
I have smoked about a pack a day for the last 30 years give or take and I had no problems at all.

But exactly that difference in how hypoxia affects an individual I think would make it impossible to really model in MSFS. One guy literally may black out, another just finds everything funny and the third simply can’t manage to hold heading or altitude or push the buttons on the avionics.


I think we both know visibility/RVR is in another category for usefulness. I can get behind that, and all for better visibility options.

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