Pilot not visible in any plane from outside view 2024

Gents, I am aware that legacy planes from MSFS 2020 will not display pilots in the cockpit from the external view, but I am not seeing any pilots in any planes from the external camera view in MSFS 2024. Is there perhaps a switch I fat-fingered or is this an issue being experienced by all? I did look up “avatar”, “character”, " pilot" etc. in the forums but nothing really jumped out as pertinent. Any useful advice is welcome, thank you-

Sorry can’t answer your question, but interesting to know 2020 planes can’t show pilots! Is that a bug? Will it be fixed? Or will it stay this way?

I don’t know my friend. I was missing the pilot figures in my legacy 2020 aircraft, and I was told by several members here that Asobo has disabled them for the time being. Then I realized nearly all the planes, 2020 and 2024, do not display pilot figures when viewed from the outside.
It could be a bug, and could be just me- I’m attempting to find out what I can. Do your 2024 aeroplanes have pilots you can see from the outside?

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Hit and miss for me - sometimes pilot and co-pilot can be seen, but usually an empty cockpit.

It’s similar to the a/c sounds for me. More often than not you can’t hear the engine sounds, the 172 being the least affected for me.

Looking forward to these bugs being squashed by the thousand.

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Thank you for the feedback- I can live with it if it is affecting others as well, but if it is something I did I want to find out if I can “un-do it” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

im seeing pilots in default 2024 aircraft but none in the legacy as well especially the aftermarket planes like the bksq Duke, a2a Comanche, etc.


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Can you give me a specific a/c you see a pilot in so I can check it please? Thank you!

default 2024 cessnas, all the ini builds stuff and the Fenix after the update. No external pilots are visible on the black square dukes, TBM 830, a2a Comanche, and Cows da42.


The 2024 ones yes, 2020 no

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The Local Legends Beech V35 import from 2020 doesn’t show the pilot/copilot viewing from the exterior or interior either.


I too have noticed planes still missing from.fs2020 and almost every aircraft has no pilots in them which I do not like when taking screenshots some dont even have instrument panels in them either. I hopr these issues get fixed soon I paid for the aviator edition and with these issues I feel im not getting my moneys worth from fs2024.

None of my carenado aircraft have pilots in them some are still missing from fs2020 my piper seneca, seminlole have not shown up in fs2024 cessna 310 missing too .Very frustrating besides the pilots issue .


Characters or cargo that was showing in 2020 were disabled in 2024 until all bug with them are ironed out.


Thank you for that information.

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Has it been confirmed in any of the dev live streams or in writing anywhere that the pilot/passengers will be made to display in aircraft purchased for MSFS and ported across?

Looks really strange seeing these aircraft from external view flying with no one in the seats!

Hi! Same thing for me no pilote inside when I use outside view it’s not cool. And I have trying to ad more weight on the EFB ( pilote place) nothing change. I’m flying from my XBOX X.

Bump- does anyone know?

Bumping the bump. When can we expect our pilots back on the Aviator edition-specific planes ?

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Sim Update 1 Beta - Migrated aircraft from FS2020 will show a pilot now. But likely because of the mandatory existence of the FS2024 avatar (unless you really like Red Man errors :slight_smile: ), the selected co-pilot avatar in FS2020 appears in the pilot-in-command seat on FS2020 aircraft.

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