Pilot Profile Completely Lost

Some people have had luck signing out and back in with their Gamertag (Xbox profile).

There has been a long standing issue with unintentional user data wipes. Are you experiencing this in 2020 or 2024?

For reference:

Today msfs24 on windows 11 hung after a crash trying to land at half moon bay during the atmospheric river, requiring a shutdown and restart. On restarting I was asked to create a profile, and all my profile data aside from the 8350 nm distance flown is listed as zero. My flight log is correct though. Is there a solution or do I have to start over? Is it my imagination or is this game really buggy?

I think that’s the first I’ve heard of it happening with 2024. It was possible to backup your “wgs” folder before, and reinstate that to get your data back, but of course you needed to do that before the issue occurs.

Programs like Flight Log Analyser could reinstate your logbook, again from its backups, but that wouldn’t help with things like career progress.

After weeks of debug and trying everything suggested, no luck.

Xbox app on Windows 11 shows my achievements, But even when I launch FSIM from xbox app, logged in as me, it will NOT load my achievements. What a ridiculous bug.

FSIM 2020 is now 5 years old and no one at MS cares? Why would I spend money to by 2024 knowing it might do same stupid thing?

If you have found a solution please provide a link or share… Thanks in advance,

Here’s the thing.

Your Xbox achievements, as displayed in the Xbox app (or on an Xbox) are tracked and managed external to the sim.

Essentially, what happens is:

  • You make progress towards or complete an achievement in the sim
  • That progress or completion information is handed-off to your Xbox Gamertag account and logged

If you wipe your entire MSFS pilot profile, either intentionally or not of your own doing, the sim loses track of your achievement progress, but your Xbox Gamertag does not. However this is not a 2-way street. Xbox cannot tell MSFS what your progress was(is).

For example, my profile was partially wiped and I lost all in-sim progress of 500 unique airports landed at. However, my Xbox App achievement progress towards World Traver showed me at ~44%. I had to “catch back up” in the sim to that ~44% that I had achieved before for the Xbox Achievement to then start to show progression past that ~44%.

I know that doesn’t help you recover your lost profile data, but it will, hopefully, explain the achievement discrepancy.

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I can’t speak for you, obviously, but there is more to a flight simulator that XBox achievements. X-Plane doesn’t have any, for example, and is still usable.

I would agree, though, that if it has a thing, it should at least work. And MS seems to struggle with this data loss issue in both 2020, and 2024. This isn’t a new issue.

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