Hi guys, before buying, I wanted to try FS-ATC-Chatter with Pilot2ATC.
So I downloaded the demo version (US) and installed the sounds into Pilot2ATC following the instructions of a video on youtube.
I did add the sounds in the config menu of Pilot2ATC: controller folders (referring to the right folder in Pilot2ATC), enable play chatter, default regn the United States.
But I always got the default voices from Departure Ground, etc etc.
So not sure FS-ATC-Chatter works with Pilot2ATC and worth to buy it.
Does anybody know where to find the proper instructions to install those new sounds?
I try on FS-ATC-Chatter website and using the Pilot2ATC manual.
But no result.
Thank you for your help.
It definitely works with Pilot2ATC, I’m using it for a while now and love it.
Installation is really simple, you just copy the whole ‘Region’ folder that is in the zip file into the Pilot2ATC_2020_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter folder, and then on the configuration page you only select “Sound Source: Controller Folders”, and that’s it!
See these screenshots. Hope this helps!
tank you for your answer.
Will follow the screenshots.
Wow. I just realized I replied to a year old thread that someone revived. Former reply removed.
Yeah, we’re shutting this one down. It should have had a timer on it.