Pilot2ATC bindings

It’s a pity to spend hours to get a small function right.

A button on the Thrustmaster T.16.000 joystick has the number 14 from Thrustmaster itself and in MSFS too.
If I want to assign the button for Pilot2ATC as “Sayit” button, the button 13 is displayed instead of the correct button 14.
If I program it to Pilot2ATC (Sayit), nothing happens. Sayit is not triggered.

Why are the assignments in Pilot2ATC wrong?
What is the solution?

Further question:
Does anyone have a contact address for the company?
I don’t think it’s customer friendly that you can’t report problems directly to improve the product.
I have not found an email address for support or a hotline address, nor a presence on Discord.

Try this E-Mail please: admin@p2atc.com
Got it from this page: Public Betas

Not on my PC right now but as far as I know the button you want is detected automatically by the function to set the button.

The dev is very responsive -the last time I had a query he responded in 10 minutes. Read the manual - it clearly tells you that product support is hosted on Avsim.com

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Topic moved into Community Support.

The Bug Reports category is for reporting confirmed bugs in the base sim.