Pilot2ATC Update Airac?

Good morning forum,

Trying to figure out how to update Pilot2ATC to use the latest Navigraph AIRAC. Currently it is using the default that comes with it. I have a full subscription to Navigraph and have updated the SIM with the latest.

However, I do not see how I inject that data into P2ATC? It does not show up in NAV Datacenter or FMS Data Center.

Any thoughts?


With navigraph manager



I Can’t get LittleNavMap or P2ATC to show up in there. Only X-Plane.

Wonder if I need to re-install it.

Got it,

When I was doing a scan it wasn’t picking it up. Uninstalled, re-installed, scanned and they are there now. Also explains why Little Nav Map thought KEBMA was invalid. Hadn’t been updated ever!
