Pimax Crystal Settings Thread

You mean DFR (Dynamic Foveated Rendering)? I don’t use it, I use FFR (Fixed Foveated Rendering) which blurs the picture towards the edges, more or less in line with decreasing lens sharpness. With DFR on I was perceiving distracting shimmer at the edges of the resolution circles following my gaze.

Is you press the Insert key, do you see the green ring following your gaze? If not - Almalence is not working properly with eye tracking. In previous versions of Almalence it was only working for me during the first VR session after starting MSFS. I can no longer observe this problem with Almalance 1.5.2, it works still if I exit and enter VR again, assuming I don’t go back to VR quicker than after 10 seconds - I give this time to stop and start it’s processes when leaving and going back to VR.

i get them mixed up, referring to the one in openxr toolkit, i have mine set to preset and quality, havent had much issue with that (without almalence), you are saying you now have this off and use almalence, maybe thats why openxr toolkit wasnt working with almalence

I still have FFR on in OXRT (if I remember correctly Preset Quality). I don’t have DFR (eye tracking) enabled in OXRT. I have Eye Tracking enabled in Pimax Play and PimaxXR.

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many thanks. Much appreciated.
Couple of question though about pimax client
Smart smooting off?
DFR off/balanced/max?

Sim settings
DX11 or 12?

Sorry, didn’t mean the LEDs. I cover the Eye tracking cameras. They are right behind the lenses and bounce light from the screens into the lenses and makes a weird grey floating dot in both eyes, that follow your head movements. Hard to spot during daylight, but flying att dusk/dawn they are really irritating once you have noticed them. Im not using Dynamic foveated rendering, so for now I don’t need eye tracking.

Smart smooting off?:
Gives some vibrating artifacts, but works great looking out the side windows when fps is 45 or higher. Lower than that and it disables. You need “Prefer framrate over latency” and “Lock to half framrate” in PimaxXR Runtime.

90hz if you want to lock to half (45). 72hz gives a rapid strobing effect (if you are sensitive).

DFR off/balanced/max?
Like Stekusteku said “distracting shimmer at the edges”. Use FFR instead (Fixed Foveated Rendering).

Sim settings DX11 or 12?:
DX11 is prefered, but try DX12 and see if you get better performance with your setup.
(You can’t use “Bloom” with DX12 and you also get this bug sometimes, when default terrain pops through the ground like big squares.)

Many thanks! Much appreciated. Will try it tonight :slight_smile:

For those of you seeing Almalence not working with the OpenXR Toolkit, I found that the OXRTK FPS display was interfering. If I have any form of the OXRTK FPS counter displayed, the “del” key to enable Almalence has no effect.

So Openkneeboard is the only 1 that has the Wacom tablet feature ?? I’m liking AllInOne as I use Navigraph and vatsim. Will I need to purchase both ?? Still deciding on FSKnob (to use my knobster) and knobvoice (which has very little info). I think I read 1 of your posts that FSkneeborard offered voice ?? That one really interests me as I would like to be able to issue commands when really busy.

I use voice attack for voice control.
It is great as I fly in VR only and I use it so I don’t have to touch the keyboard the whole flight.

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OpenKneeboard is free.
FSKneeboard has no voice support.
I use Axis and Ohs (payware) to handle my control assignments (yoke, pedals, throttle, knobs, switches, buttons) and it has additional feature of voice control.

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If I want Navigraph AND Vatsim, do I need both, AllinOne and FS kneeboard ?? I don’t see where FSKneeboard has these features but I really want to artist tablet feature.

FSKneeboard (payware, but there is also limited free version available) doesn’t specifically support Wacom tablet. It also has nothing to do with VATSIM or Navigraph. It provides topo/satellite charts (useful for VFR), very basic scratchpad, and very basic PNG document viewer.

OpenKneeboard (free) supports Wacom tablet perfectly, allows also PDF document viewing. Absolutely fantastic if you have a Wacom tablet.

VSR (free) supports VATSIM controller availability, ATIS, frequencies, VATSIM controller/traffic map, messaging.

Navigraph (subscription payware, you can start with monthly subscription) provides Jeppesen charts.

AllInOne Tablet (payware) integrates several apps (including Navigraph Charts and VSR) in one tablet if you don’t like having them in separate panels.

Did you try any of them or are you studying them theoretically? Practice makes perfect.

Anyone using DLSS Tweaks with the Crystal?

If so, what are your settings? Mostly for ForceDLAA and the ratio for the various DLSS settings.


Just deciding which way to go. Don’t want to download (or Pay) anymore than I need. Looks like Openkneeboard is a must as I really want the Wacom tablet. Probably will invest in the AllInOne as it looks llike it will put my VSR and Navigraph on 1 panel. Now the only other real choice is X’s/Oh’s voice or voice attack. I’m thinking X’s/Oh’s might be a little more of a setup ? KnobsterFS is totally separate ?? I have the knobster so may as well put it to work ??

Interested in this (4090) but have no clue about “tweaking” outside of the MSFS settings.

If you don’t want to invest your time in experimenting a bit with some free software, you should also not expect others investing their time in providing you with all the answers.
Just download and try, find what works best for you. I recommend going one by one, keeping voice control towards the end as it requires some work for setting it up.

New version of Almalence software 1.6.2

After a bit of faff I got Almalence working (on 1.6.2). If anyone is having issues, DX11 and disabling OpenXR toolkit were the key for me. Weirdly, once I get it working, then I can turn OXRTK back on, but then it breaks again next time I turn on VR mode in MSFS, so seem to still be some incompatibilities there.

I really like the results from Almalence, it feels like the scenery is more in focus. Like someone said above, it’s like putting on a pair of glasses.

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