Pink/Missing Textures

I have pink textures at almost every airport. I’ve tried safe mode but still have them and I’ve also tried addon linker to check if there were conflicts but it didn’t help. I’ve also deleted content.xml and the cache but nothing so far has worked. Does anybody have any ideas as to a fix?

Looks like third party scenery that you don’t have the scenery library file downloaded.

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but I also have them at Asobo handcrafted airports for example Amsterdam

Pink textures are generally a missing addon or a conflict of addons. These can be those you put in the community folder or from the marketplace.

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Do you know any way of identifying them? Also if I used safe mode and I still had the missing textures doesn’t that mean it isn’t an addon?

I would think using safe mode would bypass all addons but I’m not sure if safe mode clears scenery indexes and content.xml.

There isn’t an easy way to find what addons are the cause. The community folder is easy to bypass, but marketplace items would have to be deleted.

Be nice if there was a checkbox to disable them rather than deleting.

Alright thanks, I’ll try to find and remove any conflicting scenery.

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I would start first with any airport addons. Then scenery.

Yup will do!

make sure you clear your rolling cache between tests

Well now I’ve tried all of the above but the missing textures are still there. If anyone can help, please do.

Same here. ESSA with pink areas or total empty. In addition the SIM is freezing, while loading a flight from ESSA. I got not any information in the web, which could solve the problem, even deactivating single sceneries in the community-folder.

Has anyone found a solution? I’m having similar issues.

Usually it means that particular scenery needs updating but there could also be a conflict with another addon