Pipistrel Virus SW121 - Where is it Hiding?

I recently read a post which referenced the Pipistrel Virus as being a stock aircraft. I didn’t recall ever seeing that as being available and I admire Pipistrel aircraft so I went to have a look for it. Not in My Hangar but I do have a large number of aircraft not installed so I popped over to Content Manager to look for it there. Yep, there it is Pipistrel Virus SW121-01 and marked Installed. I spent a while zipping to and fro between Hangar and Content Manager and I have made no progress in trying to find the aircraft. Anybody give me clue where it might be hiding and how I could liberate and have a tryfly?


Just enter virus or 121 in the search box at the aircraft selection. It´s there on the propellers section.



But it isn’t, that’s my point. It shows up in the Content Manager as Installed but despite a visual run through of all of the aircraft in My Hangar and searches for Pipistrel, Virus and 121 - which all report ‘No Content Found’ -

it is not in the lowest package, thats it maybe, the installed are for the ai

Sorry pal, I don’t understand that. I’m running DeLuxe MS Store version on PC and all of the other aircraft I have “Installed” are in my hangar :thinking:

Pipistrel is not a default aircraft, it is part of the Premium Edition. If you have that go to the content manager and check whether it is installed.

Got it, thanks wcoesel you are correct; it is only available in the Premium version.

And also don’t search in the world map search box but in the airctaft selection box. In your pics above you will only find airports, landmarks, navaids and those things.


aww , there you go, maybe my wording was not optimal.
btw,i find the upgrade price way too high. so i stay on basic.

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It has been said before - if I had a brain I’d be dangerous :roll_eyes: Thanks.