Plane crashes at beginning of mission or loads me in a building

no, i have the same problems since i started playing

Is there a way to disable the reputation loss on crash? Or lower the multiplier? Because the only 2 crashes I had were the one where I spawned partially on top of a hangar and the other was a tree right at the end of the runaway that I tried to avoid but the hitbox was too bigā€¦ And just like that from being on 50% of A Iā€™m now on 20% of Bā€¦ this is just not fun losing rep for bugs like thisā€¦

you cant disable it, once you crashed you lose reputation. i cant get more than a C because the game is so bugged.

I have tried everyday for weeks and still notjing has changedā€¦ hope this gets fixed soon people are getting ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– !

I checked this every week - nothing happens. I have still ā€œdancingā€ planes and helis in the missions :frowning:

same here, plane crashes after the mission loadsā€¦

just going to buy a PC-24 and the plane is already slammed into the ground on the Variant step, hope this isnĀ“t gonna be crashing as the B737

still not fixed, this is how my missions start and of course mission failed due to crash.

Stillā€¦ having this issue! Get it together MSFS!!!

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OPā€™s steps to reproduce it?
ā€¢ Yes similar.

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

ā€¢ Load into Passenger Transport missions with my ES30 and when it auto starts and prepares for Taxi, Plane crashs due to loading screen moving the planeā€¦

Costing credits and reputation points.

This happened at KBWI

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

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They didnā€™t show that in the trailers.

Same issue, this is stupid. Maybe itā€™ll get fixed in SU298 in 2050.

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They do not care, they got their money from everyone and wonā€™t even say a ā– ā– ā– ā–  thing about these issues. Career mode is completely broken


iā€™m tired of this bullsā€¦t game!! nobody gives a fā€¦k! i cant do one single mission!!! this is at stockholm/arlanda airport (ESSA)

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Why the silence on this career mode breaking bug?

guys i found a solution in another thread and on reddit which worked for me. i did 3 different missions and every time the selcted aircraft spawned normally and didnt falll of the sky. i did 1 vip and 2 passenger missions without any problems.

if you have a non-acsii character in your Windows 10 account name, like Ƥ, ƶ, Ć¼, Ćŗ etc or some scandinavian letters, then it will not work properly. just change your pc name.

then go to control panel on windows - clock and region - administrative tab - change system regional configuration - check the box for utf8 for language compatibility.

Didnā€™t do anything for mine. I dont have any of those in my name and Iā€™m on windows 11