Playing the sim on 4K 60 Hz non-gaming monitor?

Good advice. But I’ve heard you need a 3090 properly cooled (beyond a stock Alienware or equivalent) to get smooth VR performance. Maybe next gen?

Yes, on the lower cards, you have to turn down settings but the immersion and the feeling of being inside of an airplane is still there.
I was using a 3060 which is not really that powerful and found it totally acceptable.
It is not as sharp as a monitor but I will take the VR experience over the flat screen every time.
Good luck to you and happy flying.

I play on a 4K 60Hz Monitor with my 3080 and gsync enabled.

Works fine with all on ultra and HDR on.

The only issue I have is some net type pattern when
It’s bright and some moire effects here and there sometimes

50" Samsung TV 60Hz UHD, excellent

i7-6 1080Ti and 16 gigs of ram on a 55" Sony UHD TV, everything set to ultra and lods set to 4. Only runs at 20fps but its nice and smooth, if you didnt have a fps counter running you could never tell the difference.

Thanks. Are you running in 4K with 100% render?

yes + reshade for added effect…

Even ASOBO don’t have the answer to that question as there quotes on minimum specs before release were a complete farce!