Watch this video. It show some problem of the sim… I like if those mistake will be fix in the nex patch
Seems weird to post this in the SDK subforum?
I’m sure many of the issues will be fixed over time. I wouldn’t hold your breath for next patch; they’ve got a lot more functional issues to work through right now.
As if MS / Asobo had nothing more important to fix…
I’m sure they’ll right get on that, along with their 10000 other bugs…
I’m not a software developer but I’m under the impression that polishing the world map might be one of the things with the lowest priority at the moment.
Do you really think this is the #1 priority for using such a title ? Some users can’t even start the simulator, some others have CTDs, some others have stutters even with high frame rates.
The water on the roads in London is a result of Global Climate Change.
Hi Guys and hello Designers!
No but it’s not possible I’m dreaming … But this game is over or not ???
120 € and 5 years of work for that! You are serious! Always finding settings so that the game does not crash, downloading patches and patches to hope to be able to make a bug free flight; The old FSX was limited with these 4 GB [Designed for 32-bit Systems] but at least it worked as soon as it was released (so to speak since there was the Accelerator pack), but its worked … Sure which machine are you doing the tests ??? By looking at the configurations of the PCs of other users you can see that everyone has very good PCs, so why so many return on “bugs, CTD and others …” So “Microsoft and Asobo” I do not know where you are there, but make an effort … not the bolt to tell us “more” because of the virus less personnel etc. etc. Correct problems without creating new ones
Whoever chose that music in the video should be banned from running the sim
In the US we have mostly green roads, maybe we are offsetting it…
The big building in Russia is a Amazon Fulfillment Center.
@Filippo20032222, nice video. Please do not worry about those telling you Asobo has other priorities and should not bother about these things now. The sim was promoted on the basis of its “leading edge” simulation of the world, so it would seem to me they would or should want to fix these things in parallel with the many other bugs. Cheers.
All of this has a real explanation. If only folks would take the time to learn about the world instead of just pointing at stuff and saying it looks weird.
This is a community of aviation enthusiasts that live in airplane shaped houses:
Anti-terrorist screen keeps nutjobs from flying into landmarks. It worked didn’t it?
That’s JesusHChrist. He doesn’t have to walk places anymore, you know?
They’re either filming the Back to the Future reboot, or they decided it was more cost effective to jump the ravine than build a bridge:
Intentionally placed Easter egg. Nice find.
I don’t see what the problem is here. Who wouldn’t want to live there? Looks awesome:
Mt. Fuji exclusive resort has the best views:
Above ground swimming pool obv:
It’s just a pile of rocks, and you can see it. I think it’s good enough.
Still waiting for your better devloped sim pal.