Please Fix Photogrammetry and/or LOD

I turned off PG a while ago and I’m much happier now.

PG is fine for me however your pointy buildings suggest internet problems. If you paste a screenshot with location details then maybe I can compare and/or explain.

I have a feeling placing a server in the world’s 6th largest country, Australia , may fix my very poor PG results but its just a hunch. I see a ping of less than 100 I get a nosebleed.


What matters of course is not land size but population, and there we are only 55th. It would be much better to have local servers and given how remote we are hopefully they will, but you can see the problem when you look at the relative size of the market.

You are indeed correct, but i, and i assume no one else who lives in our great land was offered a discount based on the fact MSFS relies heavily on live data, provided in our case from a server far, far away.
At least one server in Australia would help IMHO given NBN and the way it is routed is not great to get it abroad.

Do you find that if you wait long enough the PG has loaded its highest detail level?

If it doesn’t improve no matter how long you wait then it’s possible the PG you are looking at is the best it will ever get, and local content servers won’t help you.

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100% agree … especially as some PG is very ropey around it’s edges and often suburbs have only been captured from a distance with little if any editing.

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Also depends on your aircraft. It looks nearly perfect in Italian cities e.g. flying a Cessna or Bell heli. Get into a fighter jet and do low alt high speed passes… Not so much :sweat_smile:

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Correct. As the person who created this bug thread, we’re not talking about PG not loading “at its highest detail”… yes, certain/most PG looks “meh” at best.

The original issue, which has been somewhat improved, is those of us who fly in airliners (going faster than a cessna GA) typically see little pyramids where there should be citiscapes or buildings… it’s like the PG isn’t rendering fast enough, which constantly breaks immersion.

I can jump into a cessna and fly 150 knots OVER downtown NYC (as an example) and it looks “good”. But when I take off at La Guardia or JFK in a jet, the skyline looks like triangles… see image from beginning of this thread:


Most of this has been improved because Asobo finally increased the LOD draw distance on PCs a few sim updates back, but it’s still not back to where it was during the alpha.

Another example from earlier in the thread:


Yep… Well ain’t much we can do about it except just enjoy the game. It’s running much better on Xbox btw than it is on pc right now.

Not sure that’s true… my PC is way more powerful than the Xbox.

I was speaking in terms of compared to a similarly priced PC

Not really a fair comparison given the unified architecture of a console and scale of manufacturing. They’ve always represented better value for money.


I think you just compared them yourself, and fairly too. :wink:

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Still waiting for the day to get back our Pre-XBOX LOD levels, no triangles, no spikes anywhere.


Same my friend. Sure do miss those days. Asobo really needs to figure out a better way to make buildings look real and not terrible.


Yes those were the great days, the days before it was dumbed down for Xbox…


New melted Zealand. :frowning:


I dont know what users expect… disable PG and you get the old 3d buildings back, or ?

I just want to fly over London and not see it looking like a melted mess - it worked once, a few years ago but not since then.