Please help me (download too slow)


I’m trying to download the game, I’m on fiber and it’s been 5 days that I let the pc on continuously and I’m only at 16% :frowning:

I have read all the topics, I have tried everything, nothing works :frowning:

Hi, I don’t know if this will help, but I am also on fibre. Sometimes I have really slow downloads and it seems to be WiFi. My PC hasn’t moved, yet sometimes the download speed is unusable. I connected with a long Ethernet cable and it downloaded fine. Most of the time WiFi is ok, but this is what worked for me.

Hi @Mobile83,
This can be frustrating. :cry:

There are many topics on this, especially in #bugs-and-issues. Here is a search result:
Search results for ‘slow download #bugs-and-issues’ - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

One of those topics may be of interest:

Hopefully this could be of assistance.

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