Please post your triple screen settings and results here

After seeing several amazing triple screen setups at FSExpo last weekend, I decided to replace my 65" OLED with a triple 43" 4K screen setup. I used to run triple screen about 10 years ago, mostly in DCS, and eventually got rid of it as I was tired of constantly fiddling with settings to get alignment and perspective right. I realize we’re very limited in MSFS’s current implementation of multiple screens - in particular, the difficulty of aligning the perspectives given we don’t have any control over individual screen FOV, as well as the fact that alignment seems best when zoomed way in, which isn’t ideal for most of us. Nonetheless, I’m trying to make the best of it and would love to hear others’ experiences.

I’ve realized that even with a 4090, getting 3 4K screens working at a reasonable framerate with my current system seems near impossible; dropping side monitor resolutions to 1440 makes little difference, and same with all the different DLSS options. My only conceivable hardware upgrades are either a 13900k or a 7950XD, neither of which are very appealing at the moment.

For any of you that have gotten triple screen working, could you fill out the following info so we can start to compile all our experiences?

Center screen resolution:
Left screen resolution:
Right screen resolution:
Test case aircraft:
Test case airport:
Average FPS:

Here’s mine:
CPU: i9-12900k
GPU: 4090
Center screen resolution: 4k
Left screen resolution: 4k
Right screen resolution: 4k
DLSS/DLAA/TAA etc.: DLSS Balanced
Test case aircraft: PMDG 737
Test case airport: KDCA
Average FPS: 23-25

CPU: i9-14900k
GPU: 4090
Center screen resolution: 4k
Left screen resolution: 4k
Right screen resolution: 4k
DLSS/DLAA/TAA etc.: DLSS quality
Test case aircraft: Diamond D40
Test case airport: KSGU
Average FPS: 35-40

This has been a real struggle to get working. I am actually running 5 screens. Two screens are for popped out Garmin G1000 PFD and MFD. I have found that I cannot use Gsync (variable refresh rate) with the two side screens attached to the graphics card with a Display Port to Hdmi cable. Even the center screen that uses HDMI to HDMI cable cannot use Variable Refresh Rate because as soon as I pop out a window for the G1000, Variable Refresh Rate goes away.

The 15" touch screens are very finicky. Sometimes they work great, sometimes I have to reboot the computer or unplug the usb cables and plug them back in. I have not been able to find out what causes this.

I would recommend anyone trying three screens should use a computer monitor instead of a tv screen. My TV screens are 55" and do not have a display port connection. You can get computer monitors that are 48" that do have a display port connection. This would work far better. Display port to HDMI has many problems.

I have spent more time trying to get his to work than I have flying. Part of my problem is that I am not very computer literate and there are not many people that have tried this to go to for help.

I guess this is why multimonitor is under the heading Experimental.

Right now my setup is working. I do not believe I will ever be able to use variable refresh rate with display port to hdmi cables and popout windows.

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CPU: 7800x3d
GPU: 4090
Center screen resolution: 4k
Left screen resolution: 4k
Right screen resolution: 4k
DLSS/DLAA/TAA etc.: DLSS quality, FG:OFF
Test case aircraft: Wilga
Test case airport:
Average FPS: 50
TLOD: 200

i will check your airport but i don’t have your plane and report back my fps for more comparable fps

Thanks! I’ve kind of given up on true triple screen at this point and instead I just run a window that is 7680 x 2160, so it starts halfway across the left monitor and extends to halfway across the right monitor. With this I can get reasonable performance, minimize stretching at the edges, and it also still gives me some leftover screen space to open other apps like Navigraph and LittleNavMap.