Please provide "sorting" options for the content manager

As our libraries become larger over time, the content manager will get harder and harder to navigate unless we have some way to sort the entries eg By Name, Date Installed, Update Available etc etc.

I would consider sorting as a secondary wish, but filtering is needed, e.g. by

  • UP TO DATE (yes/no)
  • MANDATORY (yes/no)
  • IN LIBRARY (yes/no)
  • TYPE (Aircraft, Airport, Activity, etc.)
  • AUTHOR (Asobo, …)
  • SIZE (<10 MB, 10-100 MB, 100 MB-1 GB, 1-10 GB, 10-100 GB, >100 MB)

Then sorting, also by NAME, SIZE, LAST UPDATED, etc.

It may not be obviuous (well known), but the filter in the Content Manager, can be used as BOTH an INCLUDE filter and an EXCLUDE filter, at the same time

ie a - will exclude a search term

So -world -scenery -livery -lesson -bush will search and exclude anything containing those word in their title.