For the triple screen resolution, the lights are crazy big!, cant we get a simple lights SCALAR fix in the .cfg like for FSX, that was very simple and solved the issue, im surprised this hasnt been done yet?
Or if anyone has found a fix! great - can you let me know
thanks, Steve
I’ve been avoiding flying at night specifically because of this
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I’m currently playing around with taxi lights to see if I can make effective changes. However, there is no way to currently change the runway lights as those are attached to the runway and buried in bgl files.
thats unfortunate .bgl files are tricky to adjust…ive done a few for FSX but not easy and time consuming if you have to for every airport ahhh
I don’t believe you’d have to do it for every airort, I just can’t find the effects BGL. It’s probably buried in one of the big ones. I’ve looked into BGL files with hex editors and I can see some of what’s there, but I haven’t found any of the light related ones, other than what is in the .FX files.
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ok thanks ill have a dig also
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