Please remove the Error accessing live traffic data popup

It’s immersion breaking and useless: there’s nothing the user can do about that.


It was fine until yesterday. Another day another new nuisance for the game I guess lol.

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Yes, it’s a new issue. But regardless of the live traffic problems, it is pointless to spoil the experience with a useless pop-up.


I have this already for days even with air traffic off. Very annoying indeed.

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seeing this all day today, does it effect ships and boats as well as I see none.

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I agree with this request in part, as I think it’s good to warn about possible problems, such as connection, lost data, etc., but these should be much less intrusive.
An icon in the top right (for example) would be enough, and when you hover over it, it would say what type of error it is.
This would allow the information function to be fulfilled and at the same time not ruin the gaming experience.
This is another example of how poorly designed the entire user interface and its usability are.


This is already progress because before with the Low Bandwith warning it was in the middle of your screen so you couldn’t see out of your window anymore. Not pleasant at 100ft while landing…


Please remove the Error accessing live traffic data popup

Please don’t just remove the Message box, fix the issue!


I’m also at a loss to understand why they chose to place this message in such an intrusive spot.

In general “passive” low-priority information messages like this, which don’t require the user to interact or make a choice, should be positioned in the least-distracting place possible… i.e. in a corner. That corner locating method needs to be agnostic of monitor resolution, quantity (multi monitors) or aspect ratio (16:9, Ultrawides, etc).


Yes of course :smiley:
But in the meantime they could at least remove the intrusive pop up and replace this kind of messages with small icons at the corners/edges of the screen, like many games do.

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And also fix it not just remove the error. The traffic actually is not working or working correctly when that message pops up.


Bug still present after the latest patch


I was just thinking that they shoulld use similar icons from Battlefield , or traffic light type icons , green connected red disconnected amber intermittant


Please for the love of god - among ALL the things that are broken as HELL in this awful product this one is one I give the least Fs about and yet it reminds me all the time. Shameful.